Dueling Election Audits In Arizona – IOTW Report

Dueling Election Audits In Arizona

The Arizona State Senate unveiled a resolution to arrest election officials in Maricopa County for obstructing an audit of 2020 elections. One America’s Christina Bobb has more.

17 Comments on Dueling Election Audits In Arizona

  1. “The Arizona State Senate unveiled a resolution to arrest election officials in Maricopa County…”

    …but no ACTUAL arrests, as usual.

    …if you or I broke the law, hid evidence, and defied subpoenas, we’d be in jail THAT DAY, they wouldn’t debate and threaten about it, just BAM! cop sticks a gun in your face, his partner cuffs you, then off to the hoosgow you go…

  2. ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS,

    There are different rules for the Aristocracy than there are for the Proletariat.

    It’s in the Constitution (don’t remember exactly where, somewhere in the back I think).

  3. Michigan’s SOS threatened residents, anybody, in a Twatter, I saw that in the MyPillowGuy’s video that I watched TWICE yesterday. A lawyer was talkin bout it that he was threatened and it really stinks. I confronted someone I’m close to about the 80 cases list I’d seen somewhere off a post here recently and when I sent a link to that document, through my email, my computer just went haywire. Now I HAVE TO USE Duck Duck Go. Should have been doing that all along. It’s hard to have respect for close family members who voted against President Trump, hard if not nearly impossible! I am beside myself this morning doing a big scan, etc. I am looking forward to some action by the Michigan State Legislature on “Dana Nessel, ” so-called Secretary of State of Michigan but not holding my breath today anyways

  4. “Dana Nessel” Michigan’s current SOS put this in Twater:
    “Fun Face: Lawyers who practice in Michigan are required to take an oath to support the MI and US Constitutions, not to file unjust and/or frivolous actions or mislead the court. The spate of Trump lawsuits in our state violates each of these tenets. It demeans our profession.”

  5. Huron
    FEBRUARY 8, 2021 AT 11:02 AM
    “ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS Ah brings back memories of Grandma saying”c’mon boy let’s go get yer uncle out of the hoosgow””

    …wasn’t sure if it was “hoosgow” or “hoosEgow”, since you have a familial connection, maybe you can clarify? I’m just trading on distant Scots relations and expressions from my 3rd generation American folks.

    …either way, it’d be gaol for ordinary men toot sweet, for Deep States, not so much…

  6. ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS Not sure of the spelling. I come from a Scottish,Welsh and North American Indian back ground. We have been up here a long time. Grandma on the Indian side used to say hoosgow. It sounded like hooz gow.

  7. Huron
    FEBRUARY 8, 2021 AT 12:12 PM
    “ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS Not sure of the spelling. I come from a Scottish,Welsh…”

    …Spelling must be interesting from your Welsh side, that’s one language where it really seems like you should be allowed to buy a vowel…

    “Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch”, for example…


    …not that the German of my paternal heritage is much better, as any tourist on the Autobahn trying to interpret “mindestgeschwindigkeit begrenzen”
    at homicidal speeds and the cars behind you blinking in annoyance could tell you…

  8. ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS My surname was anglicized long ago,it was darn near impossible to pronounce it with the welsh spelling. Our properly spelled name has been traced back to at least 500 AD.

  9. Huron
    FEBRUARY 8, 2021 AT 12:55 PM

    …the closest I ever came to learning Welsh was during a phase where I had an unfortunate infatuation with Stevie Nicks and tried to find out who the heck “Rihannon” was and what she did, to the extent of drilling into the Mabinogion, where I ran into an untranslated copy of the Red Book of Hergest in a university library.

    I was committed (or should have been), and TRIED to figure it out, but with SO many “L”‘s and absolutely NO formal instruction, I had to give it up and find a translated version instead, which led me to a) hope Welsh poetry and storytelling was better in actual Welsh ’cause it kind of sucked in English, and b) that maaaaybe I’d carried my obsession with a middle-aged crazy rock star just a skosh too far.

    Ultimately, I gave both up and got, you know, an ACTUAL woman instead. And while I’ve pushed into some other languages, no offense intended but Welsh just doesn’t seem to be that useful for technical documents or day-to-day interactions with illegal aliens, so I just haven’t picked it back up again, but God bless you for being able to speak and understand it, I’m guessing all other languages seem SIMPLE when that’s your starting point…

  10. Seriously….
    This is a Drama show.
    To make us “feel” like they are doing something, while pretending to investigate. They have had months to hide, erase and destroy any evidence. If anyone was to find anything other than some unverified accidental blameless items. These election official should get the Stupidest Traitors of the Millennium Award.

    But I hope and pray that I am 100% wrong.

    BTW: Who is watching the Evidence, is it even secured?


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