Duke Divinity School Ousts Un-PC Professor for Questioning ‘Racial Equity Training’ – IOTW Report

Duke Divinity School Ousts Un-PC Professor for Questioning ‘Racial Equity Training’


Duke Divinity School has forced out a professor who refused to kowtow to the liberal academic zeitgeist in a latest example of the demise of free intellectual inquiry and expression on America’s college campuses.

The crime of Prof. Paul Griffiths, a professor at Duke Divinity School, was openly speaking his mind regarding a racial equity training program offered on campus. When one professor praised the program in a faculty-wide email, Griffiths responded in kind by advising his fellow professors to avoid the workshop as an “anti-intellectual” exercise in political correctness.

The row began in February, when Prof. Anathea Portier-Young, a scholar with expertise in “constructions of identity, gender, and ethnicity, and traditions of violence and nonviolence,” distributed an email to the Divinity School faculty urging her colleagues to participate in the “Racial Equity Institute Phase I Training.”

Ms. Portier-Young assured her coworkers that the weekend program would be “transformative, powerful, and life-changing.”

Quoting from the Racial Equity Institute’s guiding ideas, Portier-Young said that racism is “a fierce, ever-present, challenging force, one which has structured the thinking, behavior, and actions of individuals and institutions since the beginning of U.S. history.”

“To understand racism and effectively begin dismantling it requires an equally fierce, consistent, and committed effort,” she said.

Mistaking the mass email for an exercise in open dialogue, Prof. Griffiths replied with a faculty-wide email of his own, expressing his opposition to the workshop.


[ and that’s when the fight started ] more

6 Comments on Duke Divinity School Ousts Un-PC Professor for Questioning ‘Racial Equity Training’

  1. Racial equity training: treat all people of all races equally under the law. There you go – racial equity training in one short sentence.

    Except liberals don’t want equity; they want superiority, guilt and special privileges. Whites need to be chastised because slavery was legal over 150 years ago, therefore we need to feel remorse and, more importantly, pay money. Bullshit. I was born in the 20th century, had nothing to do with slavery, and believe it was an evil institution. Besides, and I should remind liberals, it was white people who ended slavery in this country – which included a bloody civil war to boot.

    It’s too bad a professor who properly called shennanigans on this liberal farce had to resign his position, but at least one educator had the moral fortitute to recognize bullshit when he saw it.

  2. Notice how easy it is for them to fire a Professor who doesn’t toe the PC line. When a liberal Professor steps in shit that should get him/her fired, it takes an act of Congress to cut through all of the tenure and freedom of speech bullshit the left lays down and fire them.

  3. HIS REAL CRIME: should have used a computer in one of the study labs to rip this brain-washing seminar, ANONYMOUSLY!

    The real reason they have these is two-fold.
    1. White guilting the whites.
    2. Exposing heretics for punishment.

    I could have told him to air his concerns all he wanted to…..anonymously. -They pull their hair out when they can’t find out who is challenging their totalitarianism.

    A professor should have known this, it’s been going on for decades.

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