Dumb American Youth – IOTW Report

Dumb American Youth

To accommodate less college-ready students, colleges must water down their curricula, lower standards and abandon traditional tools and topics.

NB: Do you wonder why Sen. Bernie Sanders and his ideas are so popular among American college students? The answer is that they, like so many other young people who think they know it all, are really uninformed and ignorant. You say, “Williams, how dare you say that?! We’ve mortgaged our home to send our children to college.” Let’s start with the 2006 geographic literacy survey of youngsters between 18 and 24 years of age by National Geographic and Roper Public Affairs.


Less than half could identify New York and Ohio on a U.S. map. Sixty percent could not find Iraq or Saudi Arabia on a map of the Middle East, and three-quarters could not find Iran or Israel. In fact, 44 percent could not locate even one of those four countries. Youngsters who had taken a geography class didn’t fare much better. By the way, when I attended elementary school, during the 1940s, we were given blank U.S. maps, and our assignment was to write in the states. Today such an assignment might be deemed oppressive, if not racist.  MORE

17 Comments on Dumb American Youth

  1. I can say as though I could pick out countries on a blank map with 100% acuracy, especially if it is cropped to a region. States, I know every one. But countries, especially small shit holes, I at least know what continent they’re on.

  2. This is why El Trump shall win.
    Snowflakes cannot be bothered to leave mama’s couch unless it involves free stuff.
    But the Crabby Grandma cannot motivate.
    The only ways she can win now is by Coup, massive fraud, Trump is assassinated, or she declares every voter that votes for her gets free pot for life.

  3. Google is all the feel they need to know click on the phone, if it is ever off, and just ask to be shown whatever. Ignoramuses abound for sure. Now everyone is being empowered with the feelings of knowledge and worth without personal effort. A cruel and cold reality awaits as the new ‘dark age’ approaches.

  4. This dumbing down is purposeful. Remember the email to John Podesta from Bill Ivey at Natl Endowment for the Arts?
    “We’ve all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry.”

  5. “Among high-school students who graduated in 2014 and took the ACT college readiness exam, here’s how various racial/ethnic groups fared when it came to meeting the ACT’s college readiness benchmarks in at least three of the four subjects: Asians, 57 percent; whites, 49 percent; Hispanics, 23 percent; and blacks, 11 percent.
    However, the college rates of enrollment of these groups were: Asians, 80 percent; whites, 69 percent; Hispanics, 60 percent; and blacks, 57 percent.”

    Affirmative action and the insane phenomenon of “political correctness” are to blame for most of this.

  6. Whut’s we see on college campuses today has to be the world’s largest collection of dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, Politically Correct, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled Progressives who celebrate perversity with an extremely obtuse, ignorant view of the world as a result of having their heads full of mush stuck firmly up their ass looking at it thru their vaginas! If ya wrote a book about it, it would be named Guliver Travels to the Island of Broken Toys!

  7. I once heard someone say they got North and South Dakota mixed up, it’s a good thing they were named with their compass headings. He added that since only a hand full of people live there, they weren’t going to lose any sleep over not knowing.

  8. It’s clear why they can’t name states or countries. They are being lead toward the open border society where there are no borders. No borders no countries. No countries no freedom. But that’s ok too. They’re also being taught that socialism or communism is good.

    I was recently looking at a Patigonia catalog. The dumb ass old coot owner, Yonne Chouyard, had a one page essay about why it’s important to vote. Explaining that students in several countries out score our students on standard test. All of those countries are socialist. But traditionally in this country socialism had a bad reputation. An idea that needs to change if we are have the bright future those other countries have already achieved. Then he droned on about how they were more enlightened about fighting global climate change too.. Some people see Patigonia gear as cool stuff to own. I’ll never buy anything else from them. But they won’t miss me I only own a handful of Patigonia products. The dumbassery is being taught from many angles.

  9. Perspective: Yes, it bugs me that most articles will often omit the name of the state or country where an event takes place. Like the earlier one today that took place on the Turks and Whatever islands. Who the hell knew where those were. (I googled to find that they were in the Caribbeans.)

  10. My grossly overpaid and underworked public school administrators are busy giving themselves high fives and backslaps for increasing the High School graduation rate from 80% to 81% over a four-year period of time. They forgot to mention, in their
    euphoria, that the test scores for the students have gone down every year of that four-year period! The students are much dumber but more of them do indeed have a diploma!

  11. @Blink: That’s why I don’t own ANY Patagonia stuff (well that and the fact that it’s over-priced). Patagonia has been on my radar for over two decades for their support of left-wing “causes”. Why is it that many people who are successful in the capitalist world support socialism?

  12. Seems to me like some years back BFH did a piece on the highest paid public servants in our country are UNIVERSITY FOOTBALL COACHES!

    Look at these former third world shitholes that are now becoming High Tech powerhouses. Just look at their schools athletic programs, oh wait, they don’t have any. Not to mention the fact the ones that can afford it send their kids here to attend STEM schools to learn not become jocks.

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