Dumb Move: CNN’s Chris Cillizza demands to see fake news examples and he is provided them – IOTW Report

Dumb Move: CNN’s Chris Cillizza demands to see fake news examples and he is provided them

I love when this happens. Here’s just a taste:


Now grab your popcorn and head on over to The Lid   to  see more.

10 Comments on Dumb Move: CNN’s Chris Cillizza demands to see fake news examples and he is provided them

  1. Ted turner must be tearing his hair out and wishing he could get out of this shithole. LOL, room temperature is calling, will you accept? It’s toll free!

  2. CNN’s Zukerman is claiming President Donald Trump [I love saying that] is endangering the lives of reporters with his fake news claim!
    The reality is his FAKE NEWS is endangering Trump supporters and conservative congressmen.
    Don’t give up people, “get in their faces and argue with em” and “bring a gun to that knife fight” and we need to “punish our enemies” We’ve seen the enemy and they ain’t us!!
    The want bloody revolution? remember there are at least 400,000 armed, registered, hunters in Wisconsin alone, bring it on!! I see a lot of inner city scum bags staying in the slums they created because they are cowards.

  3. Digital Cillizza Clip Collection
    msNBC wapoo circa 2015-2016
    ¡Ay, caramba!
    Now as seen on CNN.
    A FAKENEWS poke at the Left.
    Recognize it.
    Cillizza bitch slapping his own with a Troll Tweet.
    To feed off and on your responses.
    His Sunday or Monday Tweets will prove the Algo.

  4. LO!!, “garbage truck juice” knew a fellow who worked on the family business’ trucks.
    Saw his P/up in the lot as I was on the way home from the store.
    Had a cold six pack so, stopped in to say hello.
    He was under a truck that wouldn’t unload, it was full.
    Changing a hose out, hydraulics, ran off a PTO at the tranny.
    When he crawled out he was covered in garbage juice, maggots were falling out of his hair.
    He smiled, wiped one hand on his jeans and extended it, not shaking it would be disrespectful.
    Cillizza isn’t worth the effort.
    Dirty Jobs

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