Dumbest signs from MarchForOurLives – IOTW Report

Dumbest signs from MarchForOurLives

Pacific Pundit: Thousands of indoctrinated liberals and gun grabbing fascists today “marched” against legal guns in what is called the March of Our Lives or something. It’s a left wing funded soap opera in which a bunch of little school kids (and in some cases younger) got to tell Americans how evil we are for the Second Amendment. With thousands of indoctrinated liberal urchins came plenty of dumb and idiotic signs. Here are a few examples of the stupidity on display all over the country from the Tide Pod eating generation:

12 Comments on Dumbest signs from MarchForOurLives

  1. Happiness is a warm gun.

    My favorite of the group was the proud mama who’d created a slogan and hung it around her kid’s neck. Mama is so proud. Hyperbole, asshole. The kid has no idea what her slogan means, and he looks like he’d rather be anywhere but there.

  2. I just lost 45 IQ points just from reading those signs. Seriously? It’s easier to buy an AR15 than poster board?
    Then you’ve never bought a gun before. It’s pretty rigorous already. If your hand so much as I quivers on your signature the seller is in your face about it.

    Stupid kids parroting leftist lies.

    Spank the parents and send them to bed without supper

  3. Watch Triumph of the Will by Leni Riefenstahl. It can and is happening here. Talk about mindless uneducated idiots. And the kids are pretty bad too.

    I like the Saturday Night Fever Attention Hogg. Guess they don’t have Phys-Ed down in Florida.


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