Durham Bombshell gets the Hunter’s Laptop Treatment – IOTW Report

Durham Bombshell gets the Hunter’s Laptop Treatment

Patriot Retort

In a court filing last Friday, Special Counsel John Durham dropped a bomb that the media is ignoring the same way they ignored the Hunter Biden laptop story.

In short, Hillary Clinton’s campaign was paying an IT company to spy on Donald Trump and his associates not only at Trump Tower and Trump’s private residence but also in the Oval Office.

Remember when the media went out of its way to say Trump’s accusations that he was spied on were unsubstantiated? Well, John Durham just substantiated it.

But just as they pretended the New York Post story on Hunter’s laptop didn’t exist, the American corporate media is turning a blind eye to this as well.

It is impossible to overstate just how evil these people are. more

16 Comments on Durham Bombshell gets the Hunter’s Laptop Treatment

  1. Comet Pizza, Daughter Diddling, Crackhead Olympics…If ain’t on the TV,

    It didn’t happen…We’re in trouble. To mash a couple of Quotes together

    (Carlin/ Bryson)

    “Half of the Country has below Average Intelligence …and Half of Them are

    Dumber than that, and it’s Gods Plan, that I should meet each and Everyone of

    these Folks”

  2. @LocoBlancoSaltine February 17, 2022 at 1:45 am

    > When President Trump gets back in the White House he FUCKING FUCKING FUCKING better

    And when Nancy Pelosi gets back the gavel, she’s GONNA CHANGE THE WAY SHE… Oh. Wait. That already happened. The apocalyptic difference… just… uh… made me forgetful.

    Hey! Writing of forgetful, at least we won’t have to see his brood running around the office. Mucking up. Every. Damn. Thing. Before heading out to party with LeBron. Chelsea? Who’s got the freakiest list o’ party freaks? This night?

    > Just like Ripley told Hicks in Aliens…

    “We’re gonna’ go over there. Swear our allegiance to their (many gendered) queen. And see what happens.”

  3. Collusion between the Democrats and the media cannot be called a conspiracy since their actions declare it to be truth. All fake mainstream media needs to be flushed like the big turds they are.

  4. I think it is expected that a conspiracy of Traitors would protect each other – until the last moment, that is.

    I believe we need to utilize some enhanced interrogation techniques to get at the facts.

    Start with the maggots in the Press – “What did you know and when did you know it?”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The difference is, the Hunter Biden laptop story was: a news story that did not get much coverage. Charges were never brought.

    The Durham Bombshell is: federal indictments. Who cares if it gets covered in the news? It’s going to court.

  6. @Little Morphin’ Annie February 17, 2022 at 9:35 am

    > The Durham Bombshell is: federal indictments. Who cares if it gets covered in the news? It’s going to court.

    Like FISA court? Like 1/6 court? Like… seriously? This is like shooting downies in a barrel. My bad.

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