Durham: Clinton allies spied on the Executive Office of the President – IOTW Report

Durham: Clinton allies spied on the Executive Office of the President

The Michael Sussmann case is heating up.

Techno Fog: On February 11, 2022, Durham filed the Government’s Motion to Inquire into Potential Conflicts of Interest in the Michael Sussmann case. Read it here. As you might recall, Sussmann was charged with giving false statements to then-FBI General Counsel James Baker regarding the interests he was representing in pushing to the FBI the Alfa Bank/Trump Organization hoax. More background information on the Sussmann indictment can be found here.

The basis for the latest motion is that Sussmann’s current counsel, Latham & Watkins LLP (Latham) might have a conflict of interest because Latham previously represented Perkins Coie and Mark Elias “in this investigation.” It is alleged that Latham “likely possesses confidential knowledge about Perkins Coie’s role in, and views concerning, Sussmann’s past activities.” (Cleaned up.)

There might also be a conflict because Latham was representing both the Clinton Campaign and Hillary for America in the Special Counsel’s investigation. Durham observes that Latham’s duties to these former clients “might cause its interests to diverge from those of [Sussmann].”

Why might there be a conflict?

Because Durham might offer evidence at trial he obtained from the Clinton Campaign and Hillary for America. And because certain employees of the Clinton Campaign and Hillary for America might be witnesses at Sussmann’s trial. (Theoretically, a Clinton Campaign witness could be called by the prosecution to prove-up billing records and payments made to Sussmann. I’d guess they might have already testified to a grand jury about this.) more

25 Comments on Durham: Clinton allies spied on the Executive Office of the President

  1. I don’t believe it!
    Hillary was a gracious looser who conceded with dignity and maintained her poise.
    She gave a wonderful speech at the end of the night, went to her hotel room, thanked Donna Brazile, kissed her husband and quietly sipped an herbal tea.

  2. Kcir: Actually, that was a dig at President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton, and her fondness for Chardonnay chased with Russian vodka. I’m cooking my Hungarian goulash this morning, with red wine added for the flavor that only comes from a bottle of red. I only add a third of a bottle to the meat and onions and drink the rest while the goulash is cooking. Luckily, I have more wine for dinner.

  3. they’ll say it must have been a glitch
    and something about intent.

    just what would be the intent for spying on the President of the United States?
    Highly doubtful it was just curiosity.
    It was for subversion and removal from office.
    The overthrow of our duly elected government.
    This was/is a very serious offense, and should be punished by the existing, and appropriate, punishments for such actions. Otherwise, it will happen again.

  4. Lookin’ forward to a heapin’ helpin’ of jack motherfucking shit being done about this. Democrats and deep staters can now officially do whatever the fuck they want with impunity.


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