Durham File: A documentary roadmap to special counsel probe of rogue FBI pursuit of Trump – IOTW Report

Durham File: A documentary roadmap to special counsel probe of rogue FBI pursuit of Trump

Just The News:

Freed from his double duty as Connecticut’s chief federal prosecutor, Special Counsel John Durham is zeroing in on the final phase of his far-reaching investigation into whether FBI officials or others committed crimes while conducting the Russia collusion probe, such as misleading federal judges or Congress.

All expectations were that Durham would wrap up his probe with final indictments and/or a report last fall after a plea deal was reached with former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, who admitted he falsified a document submitted to substantiate an application for a surveillance warrant targeting the Trump campaign.

But FBI Director Chris Wray revealed Tuesday that the entire process — including the bureau’s ability to discipline agents involved in the Russia case — was slowed down at Durham’s request because of continuing concerns about potential criminality.

“Because we are cooperating fully with Mr. Durham’s investigation, at his request we had slowed that process down to allow his criminal investigation to proceed,” Wray told the Senate Judiciary Committee. “So at the moment, that process is still underway in order to make sure we are being appropriately sensitive to the criminal investigation.” more here

10 Comments on Durham File: A documentary roadmap to special counsel probe of rogue FBI pursuit of Trump

  1. The FBI has a “disciplinary arm”, about as effective and used as often as the House Ethics Committee, which meets once a month at TGIF’s happy hour.

    I don’t mind losing (if done honestly) but I hate being played. Looking back I can’t believe how gullible I was to think that Barr, Durham, Kavanaugh, or ACB would make a difference, right some wrong, and restore some semblance of justice within our corrupt system, what a dope.

    It’s all bullshit, nobody is held accountable, the rule of law is nothing more than a figment of a bygone era.


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