Durham Preparing To Drop Documents on Clinton-Tied, Russian Analyst Behind Steele Dossier – IOTW Report

Durham Preparing To Drop Documents on Clinton-Tied, Russian Analyst Behind Steele Dossier

In a filing for a case regarding Igor Danchenko, a Russia analyst behind much of the Steele dossier, Durham motioned for the court to adjourn the deadline for producing classified evidence, along with a few other matters, saying:

To adjourn the deadline for production of classified discovery, which is currently set for March 29, 2022. The government also respectfully requests that the Court reset the CIPA filing schedule in accordance with the proposed schedule set forth below. The government has consulted counsel with counsel for the defendant and they do not object to the adjournment and extension of filing deadlines. The proposed dates would not result in an adjournment of the October 11, 2022 trial date or any other associated deadlines.

Why’s that important? Because of what comes next. more

15 Comments on Durham Preparing To Drop Documents on Clinton-Tied, Russian Analyst Behind Steele Dossier

  1. “Durham Preparing To…”

    …always perpetual “about to”.

    …as Tuco would say in “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly”,

    “If you have to shoot, shoot. Don’t talk”.

  2. Well folks, with the (planned) food shortage on the horizon I guess
    making popcorn for the never ending Durham Report will be out of the question. Never forget who appointed Durham either.

  3. …aaaand, apart from the people who protested this obvious fraud on January 6th spending yet another day illegally imprisoned, nothing continues to happen…

  4. Speaking of Fraud (and his other brother Fraud)… those two intrepid “reporters” Woodward and Bernstein that the Left loves to trot out when they want corruption associated with anything Republican are nowhere to be found!

    You would think that in a GIANT basket chock full of democRAT theft, murder, skullduggery and corruption these two charlatans would just eat this up!!

  5. “The officials preparing and reviewing the documents at the FBI and intelligence agencies are heavily engaged in matters related to Ukraine.”

    IOW, “National Security” reasons. One way or another, these IC f—kers always duck out for the sake of NaTiOnAL SeCuRiTy. I’m quite certain that they also hid behind covid because NaTiOnAL SeCuRiTy.

  6. If POTUS Trump’s civil action against Clinton et al isn’t timed to coincide with all this I will, as is said, eat my hat.

    Long ago and far away POTUS Trump’s close friend, Tom Barack, talked about young Donald’s intense interest in ancient military war games. I can’t find anything online about it, but he said it in an interview with someone. Could it be that our shrewd and crafty POTUS is employing something akin to a pincer movement; hitting them directly, on both flanks and at the rear?

    Keep watch and pray, friends.
    Doors opening. Doors closing.

  7. “If POTUS Trump’s civil action against Clinton et al isn’t timed to coincide with all this I will, as is said, eat my hat”

    It’s not necessarily timed. He and his legal team needed to wait for it to become public in order to have a case.

  8. I know everyone wishes the Durham report could come out sooner, but that would be like shooting with an unloaded gun before aiming.
    I still have faith that when this report comes, it will be truly devastating.
    Naive? Maybe, but maybe not.


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