Durham Report… – IOTW Report

Durham Report…

John Durham Releases Final Report Concluding FBI Had No Verified Intel When it Opened Crossfire Hurricane Investigation Into Trump.

Plan by Hillary Clinton to Link Trump to Russia Was Briefed by John Brennan to Obama and Biden in August 2016!

“The American Public Was Scammed” – President Trump Responds to Durham Report Confirming Hillary’s Evil Plot to Tie Him to Russia.

14 Comments on Durham Report…

  1. What about perjury to the FISA court and Congress?
    Isn’t that still a crime?

    Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law?
    Malicious Prosecution?
    Conspiracy to Commit Treason?

    The DOJ and its child of an incestuous abomination, the FBI, need to be purged of all malefactors – hanged, beheaded, impaled, whatever.
    Then disbanded, the membership shamed and ostracized, blinded and lamed, to walk the Earth carrying a sign explaining their crimes and ringing a bell to alert the populace that an unbearable filth is come.

    Anything less is a miscarriage of justice.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The two tiered Justice System is again to be seen by all Americans.
    Investigation outlining criminal activity by Clinton, Brennan, Obama, Biden, DNC, DOJ and FBI. Investigation submitted to the DOJ to die a slow death and prosecution never takes place.
    The repetition of the Complete Failure of Justice is mind-numbing.

  3. “Crossfire Hurricane” – they couldn’t have picked a better name for this retarded operation!

    The collection of highly trained circle jerks in the FBI’s circular firing squad wound up shooting themselves AND getting blown up by their own petard… all for getting a demented buffoon installed in the White House who, by the way, we never see in the Oval Office.


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