Durham vs Cohen – IOTW Report

Durham vs Cohen

WATCH: John Durham Delivers “Searing Comeback” to Nasty Democrat Smearing Him – Audience Applauds in Agreement (VIDEO)

GP: Sometimes the loudest person in the room is not the strongest. Department of Justice Special Counsel John Durham showed how accurate this truism was today.

6 Comments on Durham vs Cohen

  1. How long do Democrats think the can get away with getting sleazier and sleazier?

    How much evidence is there of Biden’s corruption and they still keep talking about Trump. It so obvious that whatever they say about Trump is exactly what Biden is guilty of.

  2. I always get a kick out of the title descriptions, on both sides, this was hardly searing.

    “I find it the embodiment of irony that anyone on your side of the aisle would even mention the word reputation with a straight face. Your screed about our last president removes all doubt about your integrity and objectivity to even sit on this body. Your opinion, along with all others that I do not respect holds little interest for me. Let those with honor judge me, you abandoned that privilege years ago and the very fact that your forehead blood vessels are visibly throbbing proves to me that the truth has been revealed”.

    Now that would be searing.

  3. RadioMattM – How long do Democrats think the can get away with getting sleazier and sleazier?

    It’s the democaRAT plan to switch the tables and always put the blame on the other side.
    Like a wise man once said: “Everybody’s got a plan until they get punched in the face”
    This bushel of deplorable democRATz need to be punched until they need reconstructive surgery.


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