Durham vs Schiff – IOTW Report

Durham vs Schiff

GP: Former special counsel John Durham will testify before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday morning starting at 9 AM Eastern.

Special Counsel John Durham released his final report earlier this month in his investigation on the launch of the Trump-Russia collusion hoax by top intelligence Durham concluded the FBI had no verified intel when it opened the Crossfire Hurricane investigation into Trump in 2016. And the FBI still had no evidence when they opened the Mueller Special Counsel in 2017.

In July of 2016, Peter Strzok opened a counterintel investigation into Trump’s camp dubbed “Crossfire Hurricane” on suspicions (based on zero evidence) that the Russians had infiltrated Trump’s circle. This was a complete lie and there was not one item of intelligence to back it up. more here

4 Comments on Durham vs Schiff

  1. What Durham should have said in plain, forceful language is, “You are a liar and a traitor and should be tried as such, along with Hillary, Mueller, Wray, Strok, Page, Barr and the rest.” Is it too much to ask for the Justice Dept to do actual Justice?


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