During current ControlaVirus wave, Florida is outperforming California with fewer restrictions – IOTW Report

During current ControlaVirus wave, Florida is outperforming California with fewer restrictions

California has some of the strictest policies in the country and some of the worst numbers.

12 Comments on During current ControlaVirus wave, Florida is outperforming California with fewer restrictions

  1. CA may have “strict” policies, but where I live in CA, not many follow “rules.” When we see the Governor in Recall dining in the nicest restaurants with his money donors, when we see Piglosi taking her own hairdresser for years to the cleaners and ruining her business, not many pay attention to these clowns. A lot of the bullying about masks is non-extant here as far as I can see, people are keeping quiet and to themselves. Fine with me, as I don’t change any behavior that takes my life, liberty and pursuit of happiness from me. Quit breathing if you’re that wound up about petty ass shit that isn’t going to protect you from anyone or anything.

  2. Life in Central Florida is quite normal, thank you. Many of my Canadian friends have not come down this year, that’s the biggest difference. Other than that, just soaking up the sun.

  3. ” …. consider that maybe there are better ways of doing it.”

    That sort of depends on what your real intentions for doing it are (the covert ones, not the overt ones).

  4. I’m very satisfied with the way our Gov. DeSantis is doing things here. He’s nominally leaving scamdemic policies up to county and municipal govt but has put fairly strong restraints on them to avoid most stupid stuff.

    Where I live (Sarasota County), mask requirements are up to individual businesses. Because there are so many old people in my area, I do wear a mask when I go to the grocery store, for example, but it is only to be polite to the frightened oldsters. I’ve been using the same mask now for three weeks; it hangs on my gear shift lever.

    The local news is full of scare stories about “cases” and the number of people dying with but not from the CCP virus but, one, I’ve never seen an article or segment about what a “case” is, and two, the death rate this year is not that different from last year and the year before. Those who have figured out that what we’re seeing is a fairly normal flu season don’t get air time or newspaper column inches.

    In any case, thank you Gov. DeSantis for being sane and reasonably honest.

  5. @Uncle Al, LOL, I’ve been using the same ONE mask that hangs on my shifter too. It’s starting to stink a bit, but I bet I’ve worn it less total time than your average maskhole.

  6. ” I’ve been using the same mask now for three weeks; it hangs on my gear shift lever.”

    I’ve been using the same one for eight months now, and it I’ve been using the same mask now for three weeks; it hangs on my gear shift lever. still is just as effective against coronavirus as it was when it was brand new.

  7. Another gear shift mask holder here! As far as I know, my gear shift has remained Covid free, so I guess masks work!

    Aside from a few sideways glances, I’ve yet to be confronted by a “concerned fellow citizen”. But in the event someone conjures up the nerve, my planned retort…”thank you for your concern, but you really know nothing about me. You don’t know if I’ve already been exposed. You don’t know if I’ve taken the vaccine. And until we’ve developed a more intimate relationship, I’ll thank you for not making assumptions”. Good day.

  8. Joe Btfsplk,
    Living in Canada, you can be glad. The fear here is something to behold, at least in my relatively small circle.
    I live in the North, and we have had 1 death from Covid in my health department area, yet people are afraid to go to the stores (when they are allowed to be open. Everyone wears masks, even in their cars! I, personally only know three people who have caught it: 2 in the U.S. and 1 in England, and they are all recovered. “Following the rules for the good of the many” is and has been a way of life in this leftist country for far too long.

  9. I have a home made (by my sister) mask in the shape of a Plague mask beak (no eye goggles though). Been using it since the “flatten the curve”. I REALLY DO need to wash it though.
    The only one that gives me grief over NOT wearing a mask is my wife. She has swallowed ALL the kool-aid.

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