‘dusgusting’ and ‘scangalous’ – IOTW Report

‘dusgusting’ and ‘scangalous’

American Mirror; CONFUSION: Pelosi calls Trump tax cut ‘dusgusting’, ‘scangalous’.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi may have spoken only five minutes to once again denounce the Trump tax cut on Tuesday, but it may have felt like an eternity for Democratic handlers.

Surrounded by a large group of people, Pelosi began reciting a portion of the Gettysburg Address, before realizing it wasn’t in her script.

“Today the House will decide whether we have a government for the people, of the— or a government only for the privileged…” she said, attempting Lincoln’s famous line before stopping.  Watch

20 Comments on ‘dusgusting’ and ‘scangalous’

  1. I have a dream Piglosi topples over the stairwell railing of a tall government building and smashes into Diane Stinkfein, pancaking them both. Then I wake up with a mess in my underwear, the front part.

  2. MJA, lol.., of course you’re assuming that she’s using “Kraft Singles Individually Wrapped”.
    I prefer the phrase…” not enough cheese on her enchiladas”.
    But either way, she hangs upside down at night in her closet, bc she’s ‘batshit crazy’

  3. Just thought of a new twist on an old game; Democrat Scrabble.
    You can only use words uttered and butchered by a democrat, like Pelosi, Jackson-Lee, etc. If the word is actually in a dictionary, it doesn’t count. Only a mauled word will work.

  4. Putting political animosity aside, is it not likely that Pelosi has suffered a stroke or some other major medical event? Does no one care enough about her to get her checked out and, if something is found to be seriously wrong, get her to a hospital or a nursing home? Or at least get her out of politics and public life? I’m not being mean here, I’m concerned about her as a human being.

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