Dusty Crypt keeper thinks It’s OK to slash union jobs if they’re police – IOTW Report

Dusty Crypt keeper thinks It’s OK to slash union jobs if they’re police

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

Extreme Leftist Portland Commissioner, Joann Hardesty, has been sweeping up all the government and non-government union endorsements (SEIU Local 49 and 503, UFCW Local 555, Portland Association of Teachers, International Longshore and Warehouse Union, Portland Community College Federation of Faculty and Academic Professionals).

Yet, it was Hardesty that championed cutting Portland police by over $12 million and 100 staff positions in 2020.

In 2021, she tried to cut the same Police Department by 18 million more.

Hardesty not only slashed union jobs, but she demonized and vilified the entire profession.  Hardesty successfully pulled Portland Police from providing security at Portland schools, claiming that children are afraid of police.  Hardesty attacked a City contractor for daring to have a support-the-police bumper sticker on their private vehicle.   During the riots, Hardesty falsely accused the Portland Police of secretly starting fires.   Hardesty called the Portland Police a “rogue paramilitary organization”. MORE

9 Comments on Dusty Crypt keeper thinks It’s OK to slash union jobs if they’re police

  1. Dumb and ugly is no way to go through life, but this is an extreme case on both counts. I feel like I have to shower just looking at it. Makes me glad to wake up White every day.

  2. “Who would shag that?”

    I’m going with the baseball interpretation and assume you mean who would pick her up off the ground and throw her over the backstop into the parking lot.


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