Dutch Court Gives Muslim Migrant Rapist Lower Sentence So He Won’t Get Deported – IOTW Report

Dutch Court Gives Muslim Migrant Rapist Lower Sentence So He Won’t Get Deported

GELLER REPORT: So apparently this Dutch court wants the Netherlands to have more Muslim migrant rapists. What possible good does the court think it is doing? Do they think this Muslim migrant rapist will be overwhelmed with gratitude and become a loyal, productive citizen of the Netherlands? The Dutch elites who support this are in for a rude surprise. But by the time they realize what they have done to their country, it will likely be too late.  READ MORE

5 Comments on Dutch Court Gives Muslim Migrant Rapist Lower Sentence So He Won’t Get Deported

  1. Happens all the time in sanctuary cities across the US.

    No worries. If the courts fail to rule to protect, there’s always some 20-something virtuous self-hating whiner willing to hold up the plane in order to save them from deportation.

  2. Well now . This kind of turns the meaning of ” going Dutch” on its head doesn’t it. Unless the original meaning is stretched to now mean sharing the misery.

    And the crazies in Calif. are going along too. Don’t they know the Dutch settled New Amsterdam on the north east coast not the southern west coast?


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