Dutch museum worker accidentally throws beer can artwork in trash – IOTW Report

Dutch museum worker accidentally throws beer can artwork in trash

Euro News; A Dutch museum has recovered one of its artworks that looks like two empty beer cans after a staff member accidentally threw it in the bin. One man’s art is another man’s trash…

“This is rubbish.”

Ever had that thought when gazing at a piece of modern art?

Well, a staff member at a Dutch museum certainly did. It wasn’t an artistic appreciation, mind you. The worker just thought that the artwork was literally rubbish.

Indeed, the Lisser Art Museum (LAM) in the town of Lisse found an artwork that looks like a pair of empty beer cans in the bin after one of their lift technicians mistook the “meticulously hand-painted” cans for trash. more

6 Comments on Dutch museum worker accidentally throws beer can artwork in trash

  1. A couple years before 9-11 I took the wife to NYC for her birthday. Rudy was mayor back then so the streets were relatively safe. Naturally, we made a stop at MoMA. The first exhibit prominently displayed, and the one garnishing the most attention was an 8 x 10 blank canvas with 6 toilet seats glued on, all painted differently, nothing else on the canvas but the toilet seats. After chuckling, probably louder than I should have and causing a few prune faces, I said to the wife ,”I’ve seen enough, let’s get outa here”.

    Why can’t those feminist eco-terrorist shrews throw soup on these?


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