Dutch politician commits suicide after Muslim gang rape claim – IOTW Report

Dutch politician commits suicide after Muslim gang rape claim

Geller Report: Former Dutch MP commits suicide — was gang-raped by Muslims who asked her, “Do you respect Allah?”

Just another sad, shocking example of the savagery unleashed in the West. Where are the wailing feminists? If Willie Dille had not been a member of the Freedom Party, the party of Geert Wilders, and if she had not been raped by Muslims, there would be an international outcry. But there will be little to no notice of this, as Europe continues on the path to it own suicide.  Story Here

11 Comments on Dutch politician commits suicide after Muslim gang rape claim

  1. Reading Robert Spencer’s new book, “The History of Jihad from Muhammad to ISIS”. If only Islam had been killed in its infancy. The world would be a better place.
    They were almost annihilated early on.

  2. The Muzzloids may have raped her but the Dutch government held her down, watched and passed out Gatorade.

    Not much of an exaggeration:

    “Van Doorn (a former party colleague), however, denies the alleged attack and says he is weighing his legal options after his name surfaced.

    Police also told the AD newspaper that Dille never made a formal complaint to them about the alleged attack.

    “We offered her help and said we need a formal complaint and concrete evidence to start an investigation. But she did not make a formal complaint and we did not get any concrete information to enable us to launch an inquiry,” spokesperson Hilde Vijverberg said, according to Dutch News.”

    So the one guy wants to sue her estate for blaming him for her rape. And the government complains that her paperwork was not in order.

    It’s like Brazil – the movie. Not Brazil – the barely above savage South American dystopia.

  3. Being a Nazi* (just ask anyone who knows* everything), I like efficiency. This was not efficient.

    However… If you join ISIS, “to change things from the inside”, and you end up a desecrated corpse in some town square… Well, I’m a Nazi*… So, I’m neither surprised, nor concerned. (Remember, Nazi*.)


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