Dutch professor: “No Western country has managed to successfully integrate Muslims” – IOTW Report

Dutch professor: “No Western country has managed to successfully integrate Muslims”

Voice of Europe:
Based on his 20-year-long studies on integration and assimilation, Dutch professor of sociology Ruud Koopmans has come to the conclusion that Muslims are more difficult to integrate than other migrant groups.
“Muslims are much worse at integration than other groups of migrants, and there is no doubt that in most other groups of migrants, we see great progress from one generation to the next. Although it’s not completely absent in Muslims, the change is much slower,” he told Danish newspaper Berlingske recently.
Around 65 percent of the Turkish and Moroccan Muslims in six European countries consider religious rules to be more important than the secular law of the country in which they live.
Muslims consider themselves separate from other non-Muslim groups, and refrain from broader interaction with those outside their religion.
The fundamentalist interpretation of the Quran, which is prevalent among Muslims, prevents them from being integrated into Western countries.  more here

22 Comments on Dutch professor: “No Western country has managed to successfully integrate Muslims”

  1. Well, it took a guy studying for 20 years to come up with:
    “The main problem is how many Muslims and, globally, many Muslim countries interpret Islam. Namely, in a way that basically claims that the Quran and the Sunna must be taken literally, and that the way the Prophet lived in the 7th century must be the yardstick for how Muslims should live in the 21st century.”
    “Such a brand of Islam is, firstly, a threat to world peace. Secondly, it prevents integration,” Koopmans concluded. Someone give Dr. Koopman his honorary Sherlock Holmes smart guy club badge for unraveling that riddle in only 20 years.

    I could have told you that about inside a week after 9/11/2001. As in I did not give Islam much thought until that day. 9/10/2001 one my understanding was Islam is down with giving charity, not drinking booze, living a chaste life and no gambling and the nutty ones hail from Iran. About the time the first tower fell and I saw the Pallytards dancing in the streets yelling Al-a-who-ack-bar I decided it would behoove me to increase my knowledge in what turns out to be a 7th century dealt cult and oh, by the way… Saudi Arabia’s #1 export is Wahhabism (the oil just funds it) and the Wahhabiests are more bat crap crazy than the Iranians and they are building 90% of the mosques around the world and in our own country thank you very much. All of that in about a week and I only have a BA in History.

  2. The Dutchman is putting the cart before the horse. It is not the responsibility of western countries to manage the integration of muslims into their society. It’s the responsibility of the muslims themselves to learn & embrace the culture of the host country, and they refuse to do so, by conscious decision, as they have done for centuries – since their beginning. 100% failure rate, no other group comes close. Knowing that history, politicians that opened the gates to them ought to be thrown out along side them.

  3. Islamic objective in the USA is to impose Sharia as law and Islam on students in public schools. That is why Muslim immigrants have been constantly, purposely brought into the country. It has been a societal weapon of Communists controlling government policies which also include Christian religious freedom being persistently trampled on.

    Minnesota: Ex-Muslim, Turned Christian Pastor, Arrested After Speaking With Muslims – “This Should Not Be Happening In This Country”
    By Robert Spencer – March 11, 2019


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