Dutch Residents Plan to Throw Rotten Eggs at Jeff Bezos’ Superyacht Over Dismantling a Historic Bridge So it Can Pass Through – IOTW Report

Dutch Residents Plan to Throw Rotten Eggs at Jeff Bezos’ Superyacht Over Dismantling a Historic Bridge So it Can Pass Through

GP: Local residents in Rotterdam, Netherlands, are organizing to throw rotten eggs at Jeff Bezos’ mega-yacht saying it will not pass the historic bridge “without a fight.”

According to reports, officials in the Dutch city of Rotterdam may dismantle part of the historic Koningshaven Bridge, also known as De Hef, to make way for Jeff Bezos’ superyacht.

The 417-foot yacht, named the Y721, which cost around £400 million, is being built at the Oceano shipyard in Alblasserdam, Netherlands. In order to get the boat out, part of the historic bridge should be dismantled temporarily.

After hearing the news, a local resident of Rotterdam organized an event on Facebook with the title, “Throwing eggs at superyacht Jeff Bezos.” MORE h/t NAAC

25 Comments on Dutch Residents Plan to Throw Rotten Eggs at Jeff Bezos’ Superyacht Over Dismantling a Historic Bridge So it Can Pass Through

  1. This is typical Yurropeon thinking.

    Are they mad at the ship builders for making such a monstrosity? No. Are they mad at the council members who decided to dismantle the bridge after telling the residents they would NEVER dismatle the bridge? No.

    What they’re mad at is the non Dutch guy who bought a boat figuring it would be a normal transaction.

  2. He should sail his yacht to Pittsburg, all those bridges are collapsing anyway.

    So much for spreading American goodwill abroad.

    I’ve been reading this book on Peter Theil, a Silicon Valley billionaire venture capitalist conservative who lent considerable weight in getting Trump elected, a fascinating fellow.

  3. The Dutch government, local or national or city, allowed it to happen.

    Government once again does the wrong thing. So many dumb people put misguided faith in government, and now it freely and openly screws us.

  4. What an environmentalist:
    Million vans delivering Chynezze shit to houses in tons of wrap
    Space cock into orbit for a few minutes
    Huge yacht dumping piss & shit all over the globe.
    Dismantle & reassemble bridge & all associated Diesel.
    More Boxes of cheep shit.
    Then back to space cock for another look about.

    And we were made to feel guilty because of the incandescent light bulb…

  5. ^^^ I often shop on amazon. They have better search features and descriptions than ebay. After I find what I think I’m after, I then find and buy it on ebay from a smaller vendor if I can’t find it locally at a reasonable price.

  6. The residents were told that the bridge would have to be partially dismantled for them to get the job. You may not like Bezos but he poured a Billion dollars into their economy. How many people were well comped working on that boat?

    Yeah he’s a hypocrite. See how long you can live on resentment. And it’s not as though that bridge will be torn down either, it’ll be back up in a flash.

    Really, just shut the fuck up. Virtue signaling is hypocrisy as well.

  7. @MMinWA February 7, 2022 at 7:49 am

    > The residents were told that the bridge would have to be partially dismantled for them to get the job.

    But they didn’t. Because even if true, they couldn’t.

    Some of the people (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more, say no more), and some fewer of the residents, got *all* of the money. And the people that didn’t get the money, any of the money, were told by the people that got most of the money, “Fnck off! We’s gots payd!”.

    Telling the people that have to, not only live with what they never wanted, but have to *themselves* pay for what they never wanted, so those that were *paid* for it, can keep more of “Theys money!”, is absurd.

  8. ‘Yachts To Be Exempt From EU’s Carbon Pricing Plan’
    ” Last summer, we reported that the European Commission – that murder of career bureaucrats – has proposed exempting private jets, the one most polluting form of transportation, from the planned EU jet fuel tax. A draft indicated that the tax would be phased-in for passenger flights, including ones that carry cargo. Private jets will enjoy an exemption through classification of “business aviation” as the use of aircraft by firms for carriage of passengers or goods as an “aid to the conduct of their business”, if generally considered not for public hire. It gets better: a further exemption is given for “pleasure” flights whereby an aircraft is used for “personal or recreational” purposes not associated with a business or professional use.”
    According to a new report from Transport & Environment (T&E) titled “Climate Impacts of Exemptions to EU’s Shipping Proposals:
    Arbitrary exemptions undermine integrity of shipping laws” , more than half of Europe’s ships would be exempt from the European Commission’s carbon pricing plan for the sector. Among them: highly polluting if extremely desirable – for the Monte Carlo set – yachts.

    According to the report, in July 2021, the European Commission published a set of proposals to decarbonize the maritime sector. However, what quietly not mentioned, is that the proposed carbon pricing scheme (ETS) and the low GHG fuel standard (FuelEU Maritime) will only apply to ships above 5,000 GT and exclude a number of ship types such as offshore vessels, fishing vessels and…. yachts.”
    and the friggin barge will be exempt from EU carbon regulation.
    this is bezo’s equivalent of abrams not wearing her mask

  9. Like I said Abnon, the residents were told if they approved of the project, a portion of the bridge would be dismantled for a little while. Big Fucking Deal. The project was approved.

    If you had a grasp on capitalism you’d realize that the people getting paid didn’t put their earnings under a fucking mattress but spent it or saved it IN THE FUCKING TOWN.

    Also like said, see how long you can live on resentment.

  10. MMinWA
    I hear you. But that’s what makes Christianity so sublime. The New Testament, the new covenant, specifies HYPOCRISY as the worst sin. (By the time of Christ, you were a barbarian if you weren’t on board with the Ten Commandments.)

    To have Rules for Thee, but Not for Me !! is the reason Bexos, Gates, ALL the politicians WORLDWIDE need to be pilloried.

    As posted above, they talk shit about climate change as they spew CO2 in minutes that the rest of us won’t in a lifetime. I resent the hell out of sorting my garbage (for recycling that is NOT done) and PAYING for it, because these POS criminals are HYPOCRITES.

    But the fault lies in our fellow men, who lay down like lazy sheep. God have mercy on us.

  11. @MMinWA February 7, 2022 at 11:56 am

    > If you had a grasp on capitalism you’d realize that the people getting paid didn’t put their earnings under a fucking mattress but spent it or saved it IN THE FUCKING TOWN.

    Alright. Now you’re just being retarded.

  12. “…spent it or saved it IN THE FUCKING TOWN.”

    I didn’t realize bezos was where the trickle started.
    and from where did that which is trickled come from?
    He doesn’t pull his money out of his own ass- he pulls it out of everyone else’s.

  13. Anon, grab a handle.

    Your point about hypocrisy is well taken. It doesn’t change the fact the project was pretty much welcomed with open arms.

    Understanding the velocity of money isn’t retarded. With that much of an infusion of cash into a relatively small city, it had to be high times for the merchants & residents.

    I moved to w Texas and opened a glass gallery when oil was shooting up at the end of 2013. I made hay and when it came down, as it always does, sales & commissions came down as well.

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