Dutch want EU vote & Czechs say they might leave – IOTW Report

Dutch want EU vote & Czechs say they might leave

bye bye now


DUTCH voters have demanded their own in/out referendum on EU membership amid fears in Brussels the whole 28-country bloc is under threat.

With Britons due to decide on June 23 whether to exit the EU or remain tied to Brussels, there are growing signs other voters across the continent are craving their own chance to leave the crisis-stricken union.

In a new opinion poll in the Netherlands, a majority of voters said they backed the country having its own in/out referendum on EU membership, similar to the UK vote.

And Czech Republic prime minister Bohuslav Sobotka has warned if Britons do decide to leave the EU, a ‘Czexit’ could follow.


h/t Barry.

5 Comments on Dutch want EU vote & Czechs say they might leave

  1. What’s that splatting sound?

    Oh, that? It’s the globalists jumping from windows because their wet dream is coming to an end.

    Not only is the American Union (Amero, anyone?) a non-starter but the EU is falling apart.

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