DWS: Damn right I’d ignore those red flags about my arrested IT guy all over again! – IOTW Report

DWS: Damn right I’d ignore those red flags about my arrested IT guy all over again!

**Written by Doug Powers

This is just hilarious. “You’re damn right I’d make the same mistake twice!” Keep it up, Debbie:

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz defiantly stands by her decision to keep an information technology aide on her payroll for six months after he was banned from the House network and fired by other members of Congress.

“I believe that I did the right thing, and I would do it again,”Wasserman Schultz said Thursday in an exclusive interview with the Sun Sentinel. “There are times when you can’t be afraid to stand alone, and you have to stand up for what’s right.

“It would have been easier for me to just fire him,” she said.

The Weston Democrat did fire Imran Awan last week after he was arrested on bank fraud charges at an airport while trying to leave the country.

Not only does she defend the guy, she makes herself the hero of the story.

more  [You MUST read why she thinks they investigated Awan]

9 Comments on DWS: Damn right I’d ignore those red flags about my arrested IT guy all over again!

  1. She needs a mental eval stat. That’s the only reasonable thing for her to do because she obviously thinks he did nothing wrong and she did nothing wrong by covering up for him.

    I saw the video today of her threatening the police with “There will be consequences” (for keeping her laptop)*. She kept doing the stare down as though she could bend his will through the power of the evil stink eye.

    *Turns out it WASN’T her laptop, but Awan’s.


  2. I guess the sausage he was serving her was to her liking. Well, might be the only sausage she has been getting in a long time and she wasn’t about to give it up for anything.

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