DWS pissed off the wrong whistleblower – IOTW Report

DWS pissed off the wrong whistleblower


 Wasserman Schultz’ ‘Islamophobia’ Claim Prompts Angered Marine To Go Public On Awans

A Marine who provided key evidence in the FBI case against Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s former IT employee said he is appalled by her claim that Islamophobia led U.S. Capitol Police to frame the former staffer.


Andre Taggart alerted the FBI to damaged hard drives and a cache of electronics tied to Imran Awan, a former IT specialist for dozens of House Democrats. Awan is the central figure in a criminal investigation of suspected procurement fraud and violations of the congressional IT network, including diverting data to an off-site server.

The same day Taggart tipped the FBI, two of Imran Awan’s relatives went on the record to say they think he would do anything for money.

Taggart told The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group Wednesday that “it was amazing” that Wasserman Schultz, a Florida Democrat, describes Imran as a victim of religious discrimination by law enforcement. Taggart rented the Northern Virginia home of Awan, who had frantically moved out after learning authorities were onto him.

“It pisses me off,” said Taggart, a black Marine who says he votes Democrat. He believes Wasserman Schultz is crying wolf and devaluing the meaning of genuine discrimination, while also exposing herself and the nation to risks.

Wasserman Schultz claimed Imran Awan is being “persecuted” by the Capitol Police and FBI after she was told that he is suspected of “data transfer violations,” even as she lamented the seriousness of the hacking of the Democratic National Committee. Wasserman Schultz was chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee when its IT network was hacked in 2016.

“I just want to get these [guys] locked up and exposed and now,” Taggart told TheDCNF. “The people who facilitated them should also be locked up, as far as I’m concerned.”  more here

19 Comments on DWS pissed off the wrong whistleblower

  1. Oh crumbs, guess the evil stink eye leveled at the Capitol police captain didn’t work like it should have! No wonder she is a total wreck! I wouldn’t call DWS a Big Fish, but at least she’s not some no-name staffer, so it at least feels like we’re getting somewhere. She’ll give up bigger fish to get herself off the hook.

  2. This whole thing was nothing more than a clandestine information pipeline for classified information to our enemies set up under the cover of “ignorance” and the usual democRAT corruption. As such it is Treason on a major scale sanctioned by the radical Left-Wing faction of the democRAT party! It doesn´t stop at Debbie and her IT family. This thing needs to be prosecuted all the way up, down and sideways! If anybody is wondering about what all the fuss is really all about with Antifa, Donald Trump, Nazis and Klansmen, it is nothing but a huge sideshow distraction to keep the spotlight off of THIS very issue because it is as wide as it is deep!! If Mr Taggart really wants the people who facilitated them to be locked up as well, then he´d better stop voting democRAT because I would wager good money on a bet the most of them have known damn-well what´s been going on with democRAT skullduggery in this century and the last.


    Cover up your crimes, your sinister social policies by using: Race, Gender, Orientation, Religion as your defense shield.

    8 years of Obamaites shouting “racism” at any mere sniff of disagreement should have resolved your thinking by now.

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