Eagle Pass border crossings drop from thousands per day to 3 after Texas occupies park – IOTW Report

Eagle Pass border crossings drop from thousands per day to 3 after Texas occupies park

PM: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott revealed in an interview with Fox News that the average daily crossings that have taken place after the Texax National Guard has reinforced the border at Eagle Pass have gone from around 4,000 to just three in recent days.  more

15 Comments on Eagle Pass border crossings drop from thousands per day to 3 after Texas occupies park

  1. Silly Republicvnts. Pointing out the constitutional right of border states, (i.e. states with airports,) to defend the U.S. from an invasion of illegals … lets Biden off the hook.

    Ah, ha ha ha ha ha ! ! !

    Now Biden can claim for the purpose of the 2024 election that he has faithfully executed to duties of the office of President of the United States.


    P.S. Do something. Participate in the 2024 election process.


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