Eagles, Hens, Same Thing. – IOTW Report

Eagles, Hens, Same Thing.

19 Comments on Eagles, Hens, Same Thing.

  1. I just watched excerpts of this speech at another site. Biden is a sick, broken, tired old man. Shame on his family and the DNC for pushing this ill man around the country. It’s obscene.

    I do’nt care for Biden at all, but I despise elder abuse.

  2. @flip….Riders on the storm, People are Strange, Light my Fire….They all work while he gurgles in the mud. The trick will be to use the left foot for the main back beat….might have to switch feet…..

  3. they really thought they would get away with this at first but they believed their own mafia media bs.

    They had no clue how much we despised them and loved Trump for exposing them and beating the shit out of them. Repeatedly.

    And pelosi is right behind biden and approaching another banana peel.

  4. I’m vehemently despise elder abuse. It’s straight up satanic.

    That being said, I’m thoroughly loving Joe Pedo being badly abused by those around him. Probably not as much as Clarence Thomas though. The prick deserves it!

  5. Slow Joe is a stone cold pedophile. And corrupt….he sold MY COUNTRY to China commies. And he supports baby killing up through birth. I have zero pity for him. I wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire.


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