DMF: An in article by Emily Atkin, published yesterday in the lefty rag New Republic titled, “Earth Day Is Too White and Out of Touch With Reality,” she argues that Earth Day is a hollow celebration that doesn’t properly address the concerns of minorities. Seems Earth Day focuses too much on making white people feel good about recycling and driving Pruises,” rather than, “helping those suffering from injustice.”

The bizarre article refers to indigenous peoples as the “original guardians of the earth.” There was also a concern about the “white supremacist roots” of the environmental movement, such as the involvement of “anti-immigration” groups like Federation for American Immigration Reform and NumbersUSA. read more
The extreme far left-wing-nut radicals have learned how to use “science” to push their political agenda. In so doing they’ve turned Junk Science into Punk Science.
They can’t help it, it is in their “nature”, that progressives, being inherently priggish always try to out-prig each other. A wonder of “nature” to observe for a dumbass like me. What a burden it must be, to be so superior.
Earth doesn’t care about minorities, rich, injustice, or indigenous.
Hell, Earth doesn’t even care about people, plants, or animals. Doesn’t even give 2 shits about extinction causing asteroids or colliding planets.
Earth really doesn’t even care about all out thermonuclear war. Or what politics you are into.
Most of all, Earth cares the least about you throwing an aluminum can into the recycle bin. Nor does Earth even give you a nod of appreciation when you “do good” for it.
Earth does not care.
Earth is a freaking rock in space. It is only slightly more significant, on the grand scheme of things, than all the insignificant life it holds.
Earth day should be about feeling small and worthless. Because that’s the reality.
If you wanna be Goody Two Shoes for a day, then call it Goody Two Shoes day. Earth does not care what you call it.
We can just sit back and watch, they will implode themselves with all their bickering. Nothing is ever good for them. Their mission, as Jesus said, is to “steal, kill, and destroy.”
I think that taking good care of the Earth that God gave us is important, while I am against all of the new age bullshit that comes with Earth Day, I can also appreciate wanting to take good care of our forests, animals, and in turn, each other. Now to be more specifically on topic… WHAT THE EVER LOVING SHITPICKLE DOES EARTH DAY HAVE TO DO WITH ‘OPPRESSED’ VICTIM HOOD?
It’s like… as ridiculous as, “OH, it’s GRANDPARENTS DAY, and MY grandparents were totally shitty to me and my family growing up..! WHERE IS THE BALANCE, ALL OF THIS GOODWILL TOWARD GRANDPAS AND GRANDMAS HAD TRIGGERED ME!!! ACTUALLY, MY LANDLORD IS ALSO ELDERLY AND I NEVER LIKED HIM, SO DOUBLE THE TRIGGER!!!”[downward spiral]
They got it half right, Earth Day is out of touch with reality. The rest is just a waste of trees, paper, ink, electricity, and time.
Ira Einhorn one of the founders of earth day was a white scumbag as was Sen. Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, one of the other sponsors of the 1st earth day. And the vast majority of them in 1970 were almost all white. Vladimir Lenin whose birthday coincides with e d was also white. These jerks have it all wrong as usual since they are worshipping the creation and not the creator, but what else is new.
The only sign of “minorities in nature ” that I’ve seen are the shit-suckers who tagged the granite in Sequoia NP – may their demise arrive by getting gut-shot.
Show me any place on earth where no one but dirt worshipping lefties congregate and I’ll show you a place littered with more garbage than you can imagine.
Happy Lenin’s birthday!
She’s the only Atkin in the village….according to her.
Good, get rid of Earth Day.
I want my birthday back!
In 1970, I was 8 when my birthday was appropriated and became Earth Day. For years I would receive all sorts of environmentally friendly crap as presents. Now I know how people born on December 25 feel.
“If a tree hugger falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”
They will be out on the National Mall today. The forecast calls for rain all day. I can’t help but remember the old saw about not knowing enough to come in out of the rain. What a bunch of idiots. What is their message? Live in a tent, ride a bike, and don’t use soap and hot water? That sounds like a winner.
George Carlin on Climate Change and “saving the planet”:
“That’s what Earth Day is all about, Charlie Brown.”
Aren’t we the ones that destroyed the planet in the first place?