Easily Fooled Nikki Haley Has a Long History of Pushing BLM Hoaxes – IOTW Report

Easily Fooled Nikki Haley Has a Long History of Pushing BLM Hoaxes

GP: Nine years ago, leftists torched and looted dozens of businesses in Ferguson, Missouri, after local teen Mike Brown bum-rushed and beat a cop and was shot dead. Then, months later, leftists burned down the business district again after the police officer was found not guilty in Brown’s death.

Barack Obama sent more representatives to Mike Brown’s funeral than to the funeral in Dallas, Texas, when five police officers were shot dead during a Mike Brown riot.

The left lied for months about Mike Brown being a “gentle giant” who was a peace-loving individual who was starting school in a few weeks.

Then, photos were released of Mike Brown’s strong-arm robbery of an immigrant at a local convenience store.

And despite the lies from the national media, Mike Brown never had his “hands up” but was shot dead when he charged the police officer like a bull after he beat the officer and tried to take his gun. more

10 Comments on Easily Fooled Nikki Haley Has a Long History of Pushing BLM Hoaxes

  1. The only GOP candidate I will vote for is Trump. All the rest are suspicious. Vivek talks a good game but his history is hard getting around. It’s Trump or just keep watching the country go to shit as far as I’m concerned.

  2. Nikki Haley for President. All threats to the Heil Herr must be dealth with, Doomed? I will say his chances at a second term Shirley look doomed. DeSanctus already cut his own chances a long time ago.


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