East Palestine, Ohio, introduces medical digital ID – IOTW Report

East Palestine, Ohio, introduces medical digital ID

Reclaim The Net: East Palestine, a small town in Ohio that has come to national prominence after a recent environmental disaster when a train carrying toxic chemicals derailed more than two weeks ago, is about to roll out a medical device equipped with a form of digital ID called MyID.

MyID is a medical information system that is supposed to help first responders when someone is unresponsive. Users have to first upload their personal medical information onto the system.

“It gives us that rapid information that we may need should somebody be unresponsive or having some kind of medical emergency,” said East Palestine Fire Chief Keith Drabick during an announcement.

The MyID devices will be key FOBs or wearable devices with QR codes that first responders can scan with a camera to access vital medical information like allergies, underlying medical conditions, and emergency contacts. Authorities insist the system is HIPPA compliant. MORE

13 Comments on East Palestine, Ohio, introduces medical digital ID

  1. Yeah, back in the analog days, we just used bracelets and dogtag like necklaces, I think it was called MedicAlert. No need to upload anything to the .gov so that they can misuse it and then lie to us about it.

  2. Medical Digital ID – in this case, aka high tech toe tags. Just another government innovative upgrade to keep track of systematic victims of Obama’s “fundamental transformation” continued with Biden.

  3. “Authorities insist the system is HIPPA compliant.”

    …you mean like my vaxxine status wasn’t?

    You may have noticed in the last couple years that “hippa” only means what they WANT it to mean, just another “law” to be enforced or ignored as your masters see fit…

  4. @SNS — Exactly. If you’re one of the govt’s pals, you can have unfettered access to all our “private” med data. If you’re NOT, then any attempt to get to it is a federal crime.

  5. a plane crashed outside of Clinton airport that was headed to Ohio had a team of toxicology and environmental health experts that were working for a company that was hired to test the water, soil and air quality in none other than East Palestine, Ohio.

  6. some clarification from kanekoa the great on the AK plane crash:

    The crew that died in the plane crash outside of Clinton airport was headed to the Bedford explosion in Ohio but this company is also connected to East Palestine via Norfolk Southern as a private contractor.

    Norfolk Southern was attempting to persuade Ohio Residents to waive their legal right in the aftermath of the train crash…

  7. …let me tell you everything you immediately need to know as a first responder.

    1) Air goes in and out.
    2) Blood goes round and round.
    3) Oxygen is good.

    …if you want to be more formal, it is known as the ABC, Airway, Breathing, and Circulation, but it comes to the same thing. Anything wrong with these three things needs to be addressed immediately. Most things outside of them can be addressed at the hospital, with maybe some splinting thrown in for transport.

    You can tell some other stuff on a secondary by using the original medical techniques of Visualize, Ausculate, Palpate, and Percuss, like doctors used to do but is really hard to do in a TeleMed tablet now. You discover things like pacemakers and other medical devices if present, and old-school stuff like Medic Alert bracelets and just plain old medication and allergy lists under a refrigerator magnet or in a purse works.

    And you know what ELSE works?

    Talking to your patient.

    Unless they are unconcious, you can do that.

    If they ARE unconcious, you have other, simpler concerns.

    FD IS NOT DEFINITIVE CARE, and so doesn’t need perfect info for their brief association with the patient. Family info you need only for consent, implied in unconcious patients and unneeded in concious ones as they can speak for themselves.

    …I can’t hope to climb into all the ins and outs of emergent situations and possible scenarios, but the short of it is no, you DON’T need to know a person’s entire medical hx to be able to buck them successfully to the hospital.

    And I’m not sure I’d believe a digital device anyway, as it could be wrong, corrupt, or not even associated with the person its found on.


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