‘Eat S—t, Motherf—er’: The Other Hunter Biden Story – IOTW Report

‘Eat S—t, Motherf—er’: The Other Hunter Biden Story

Washington Free Beacon:
It’s been almost a year since President Joe Biden finally acknowledged the existence of his seventh grandchild, Navy Joan Roberts, in a short statement to People magazine. Maureen Dowd gets all the credit for her July 2023 column in the New York Times—”It’s Seven Grandkids, Mr. President”—but the Washington Free Beacon was covering the scandal since November 2019, when a court-ordered paternity test confirmed that Hunter Biden was the father.

Now we finally get to hear “the story that everyone’s been asking for.” That’s how Navy Joan’s mother, Lunden Roberts, describes the contents of her new memoir, Out of the Shadows: My Life Inside the Wild World of Hunter Biden. It is certainly the most reliable account we’re ever going to get of this sad and sordid saga, which is to say the author is neither a filthy liberal journalist nor a degenerate lying crackhead. She’s just a former high-school basketball star from Arkansas with horrible taste in men and a seemingly limitless tolerance for toxic behavior.

Roberts is also the victim of a cold-blooded smear campaign that drove her to consider suicide, a campaign that was aided and abetted, at least in part, by the sitting president of the United States, a career politician who has never missed an opportunity to praise himself for always putting family first. She doesn’t explicitly criticize her daughter’s grandfather in the book, but she didn’t stop her publicity team from setting a release date during this Democratic National Convention, days before Biden’s keynote address, and promising “revelations that could well impact the outcome of the 2024 election.” Well, so much for that. The media wouldn’t have cared much anyway if Biden was still the nominee. Now they can ignore it forever. more

10 Comments on ‘Eat S—t, Motherf—er’: The Other Hunter Biden Story

  1. What do you expect from a complete Jackass who says his son Hunter, sleeping with the other son’s wife while his Beau is dying in the hospital, “the smartest man I know”
    Pure, Lying Scum!

  2. I wouldn’t trust a stripper, any stripper, any further than I would trust a politician. As for the details of their fucked up relationship, I have more important, not to mention interesting, things to get to first before I spend time reading about the lives of low bread white trash. Like maybe rotating the tires on my lawn mower.

    You don’t get to choose your parents, I have a friend whose parents were a first rate shitshow. He and one brother rose above it, the other brother embraced it and lives a life of filth and squalor. Both have tried to help the bastard, he has rat fucked them for the last time. They are both done with him. Guess what? Lives with a stripper. Surprise, surprise.

    “There’s not a lot of meaningful self-refection in Out of the Shadows, and at times, Roberts appears to be in the throws of addiction herself, defenseless in the face of Hunter’s so-called charm, desperate to be needed and to mend his broken soul. (Her next boyfriend was an MMA fighter and raging alcoholic who kept breaking into her house to call her a whore.)” – in other words, she is a volunteer. I’ll save my empathy for actual victims.

  3. Birds of a feather and all that. The child I have sympathy for, or empathy, or at least a feeling of sorrow for her spot in life with the kook mom and degenerate absentee sperm donor.

    This all is a tragedy only in the extent the protagonists are public figures, that is, scumbags are going to be scumbags and we all know of some. We are all much better off if the scumbags aren’t running anything that affects us personally.

  4. JD… A friend of mine took in a stripper who yada yada yada, she brought a friend, another stripper, they stayed at his place for a couple of months.
    He came home one evening, there was nothing left in his house, no furniture, computer, appliances, no bookshelves not a thing, including the lightbulbs… they didn’t take the toilet or sink. He was devastated, and I had to ask him… what did you expect?

  5. “As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
    There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
    That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
    And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;”


    She would do well to move on and give up her desire to once again be queen of the white trash bucket. The fact that she can’t, actually won’t, is telling. She has a compulsive desire to keep this going. As for the child, I’m sure Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Seattle, Portland are full of the children of similar strippers and hookers who’s claim to fame, proximity to power, is a child by some pro athlete, prominent business man, politician etc. in that regard, the child has my sympathies, but she is one among many whose mother is a tramp and father someone’s only accomplishment of any value leaves them completely without any thing more than that to judge them by.

    Most will not escape that, some will. Now, that book may have value to others that transcends the titillation element. Here is my inclination, the mothers who made a clean break and did not allow their own desire wants override their children’s best interest, escaped from that life, slammed the door shit, and don’t look back are in much better shape. This bimbo won’t do that, she is still defining her life by what she was when she was living at the top of the white trash bucket.

    There is absolutely no value in or reason for her not to close that door permanently other than it’s her identity as “the queen” and that is not something she is willing to give up.

    The world is also chock a block full of worn out old used up groupies, they are no different in that regard.

  6. A little off topic, but this lady and her daughter remind me of Metallica’s video for “Turn The Page.” I like the song and I like Metallica, but this was maybe one of the most depressing music videos I have every seen. Unfortunately, it’s a lifestye that Ms. Roberts and many other women have.

  7. @ Wyatt, Clueless Progressive Jerk MONDAY, 19 AUGUST 2024, 15:25 AT 3:25 PM

    It is just that, a lifestyle choice, and another “alternative lifestyle” that the progressive/Marxist/Satanist movement promotes as just one of many valid lifestyle choices. Satan is a liar, a murderer and a thief. Accept his lies and follow his andvice and he is only too happy to steal your joy and contentment and murder your immortal soul.

    This idiot won’t put down the shovel and stop digging herself deeper.


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