Editor for Time Magazine thinks Joe Biden may have a problem – IOTW Report

Editor for Time Magazine thinks Joe Biden may have a problem

Ya think?

Independent Sentinel: Joe Biden’s son was paid either $50,000 or $85,000 a month for his service for a very corrupt Ukrainian company, depending on which report you read. The son, Hunter Biden, had no expertise in the field or in Ukraine.

Ian Bremmer, Editor-at-Large for Time Magazine, told CNN that Biden does have a Ukraine problem because his son was clearly being paid for influence since, otherwise, “no one would pay him that kind of money for a company that frankly was pretty corrupt and has been before and has been since.”

“It’s hard to imagine Joe Biden wasn’t aware of it,” Bremmer said. more here

SNIP: Brown Butter–Lemon Popcorn recipe:
Cook 6 tablespoons butter in a skillet over medium heat until browned, about 7 minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in 1 1/2 teaspoons grated lemon zest; drizzle over 16 cups hot popcorn. Toss with 2 teaspoons kosher salt.

9 Comments on Editor for Time Magazine thinks Joe Biden may have a problem

  1. There used to be the standard of avoiding even the appearance of impropriety.

    I have to take an annual ethics course and affirm that I have no relatives working for me, as vendors or that I pass investing advice about our company to them.

    Quite a departure from The Evil Private Sector than what The Holy Government can get away with.

  2. I kinda wonder if this has anything to do with all the political retirements lately. Fear of the cascading allegations when the lips start flapping. DC’s nothing but a good ol’ boys and girls club for corruption and shady backroom deals. If that’s the case you better keep publishing those popcorn recipes.

  3. Different Tim, I was wondering about that, too. How can they expect to escape justice by just quitting their positions? That wouldn’t work for an employee who embezzled from their company, so why should it work for government employees? Do they think the DOJ will give them a pass?

    Ok, now I’m talking crazy. The DOJ? HA! They aren’t even making current government criminals face justice. Why would they go after those who run away?

    President Trump needs to fire 1/2 of the DOJ and as soon as they are replaced with competent people, fire the other 1/2 and do the same. From the janitors to Barr, get rid of the dead wood and the traitors.


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