Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Ends Obama Campus Sex Misconduct Policies – IOTW Report

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Ends Obama Campus Sex Misconduct Policies


In interim guidance released Friday, U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos ended the campus sexual misconduct policies put forward by former President Barack Obama, stating that, while colleges must continue to combat sexual misconduct on campus, the process must be “fair and impartial,” and inspiring “confidence in its outcomes.”

Following up on her announcement earlier this month that she is scrapping the Obama administration’s policies regarding cases of sexual misconduct on college campuses, DeVos stressed in a new “interim Q & A” that all students must be protected from discrimination in school proceedings to investigate sexual assault allegations.

A statement from the department says it is withdrawing both Obama-era documents concerning campus sexual misconduct: the Dear Colleague Letter on Sexual Violence of April 4, 2011, and the Questions and Answers on Title IX Sexual Violence of April 29, 2014.


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6 Comments on Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Ends Obama Campus Sex Misconduct Policies

  1. If there is an allegation of rape or other sexual misconduct the cops should be called. It’s a criminal offence that deserves a professional investigation as well as criminal penalties if found guilty. If it becomes apparent that it’s a false accusation then there needs to be consequences for that as well.

  2. Remember that rape is considered a criminal attack that can be met with DEADLY force.

    It is not some community college administration-level disciplinary event where the accused is suspended without evidence due to an allegation. If a rape occurred, it must be pursued in the courts and the colleges have ZERO authority for their kangaroo courts. Democrats who support this extra-Constitutional “justice” show just how reprehensible they are and their abandonment the rule of law. This is the shit that SJWs bring us.

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