‘Egg Armageddon’: MA voters passed animal welfare law that effectively bans eggs from being sold in the state – IOTW Report

‘Egg Armageddon’: MA voters passed animal welfare law that effectively bans eggs from being sold in the state

Eggs will largely disappear from Massachusetts grocery store shelves come Jan. 1, 2022, unless state lawmakers act quickly to amend a strict new animal welfare law. more

29 Comments on ‘Egg Armageddon’: MA voters passed animal welfare law that effectively bans eggs from being sold in the state

  1. Well that was the point of the law – either give hens more space or don’t have the eggs. Not that I support it, I don’t care either way since I ain’t there, but the law gave them several years to comply and they haven’t.

  2. I’ve got six laying hens for three people, so I don’t care. I can’t give them away fast enough.

    Those hens sure need a nice house, a fenced run, a ton of food, an automatic door, DIFFERENT food to give them calcium, OTHER food to fix their feathers, things to perch on and play with, heated water storage, wood chips, straw, vet bills, and a ton of OTHER stuff I wasn’t previously aware poultry needed tho.


    …but they make my wife happy, so THAT’S worth more than the price of all that OTHER stuff, so there’s that…

  3. And in California:

    “…(Bloomberg) — A top meatpacker is halting sales of some pork products in California, in the first sign of fallout from the state’s new law demanding more space on farms for the animals…”

    I think I might start developing high-rise luxury animal condos. There seems to be a growing demand for the product.

  4. “𝐄𝐠𝐠 π€π«π¦πšπ πžπππ¨π§” — Looks like the Blaze Media headline scribbler flunked the J-school class “Cutesy Spelling and Word Mangling”. Even an intern could have come up with “π€π«π¦πžπ π πžπππ¨π§” it’s so obvious.

  5. the virtue signaling wokesters (fyi – spellcheck changes wokesters to jokesters – HA) will scream when they start paying $7 and $8 a dozen for pastured eggs. Actually that’s what I pay now so demand will probably send them to $15 soon.

  6. @stirrin the FJB Pot: “‘A top meatpacker is halting sales of some pork products in California…’ I think I might start developing high-rise luxury animal condos. There seems to be a growing demand for the product.”

    Pretty soon they’ll be driving Porksches.

  7. Hamone –

    MA is Massachusetts; Maine is ME but go ahead and screw Maine if it makes you feel better – they have plenty of moonbats up there who would surely vote this in if given the chance.

  8. Maine just passed a referendum getting govt out of food buying.
    Don’t confuse us with Mass.
    Although a lot of them have moved here.
    Wait till Boston’s new Mayor takes office. All of the state will be in Armageddon.

  9. I know a guy who started a monthly subscription box service for people who have chickens for pets. Sounds like he’d make a fortune in Massachusetts. So will black market egg dealers.

  10. Well… they’ll have to make a weekly drive elsewhere to do their grocery shopping.

    Actually, I don’t much care. 1.5 square feet of space?!? Does anyone realize how horribly abused chickens are in these factory farms? Chickens are not stupif animals either — they are actually smarter than cats and dogs.

    I grew up on a large poultry farm. When the cage system began to be put in place, the changes and conditions were horrendous. After two years, my dad, a pretty hardened farmer, decided they were over the top, and ripped them out, literally cutting his production in half.

    I have no problem with raising, killing and eating animals. I do have a problem with unnecessary cruelty. I also have no problem with meat products costing more. Perhaps they should.

  11. How does wacky laws like this start? MrsDoe claims chickens are unhappy and abused, so MrDoe sends a letter to his Governor. The Gov reads the letter, thinks chicken lovers will be happy with a law protecting the critters, and farmers will just have to suck it up. After the law is written, is there no one in their halls of state who says ‘ hey, this is stupid’?

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