Egg Farmer at WH Easter Egg Roll: Business Is Up from ‘Really Bad’ Two Years Ago – IOTW Report

Egg Farmer at WH Easter Egg Roll: Business Is Up from ‘Really Bad’ Two Years Ago

Breitbart: American Egg Board member Bruce Dooyema stood on the White House south lawn during Monday’s annual Easter Egg Roll, giving reporters insight into the positive surge in egg business from a “really bad” time two years ago.

Business for egg farming is “very good” these days, much better than when it was “really bad” about two years ago when prices were low, according to Dooyema, who has been working on his family’s farm, Center Fresh Egg in Sioux Center, Iowa, since graduating high school.

“Right now we’re enjoying one of the best times in the egg industry as far as prices goes,” said Dooyema, who attributed the change to increased demand.

Demand for eggs was about 250 eggs per person annually around two years ago but has risen to 279 currently, according to Dooyema. This falls roughly in line with data published by and was provided in American Egg Board materials available at the Easter Egg Roll event. He predicted that the trend is on track to see annual, per person egg consumption climb another four to five in the year ahead.

Why do people want more eggs? Dooyema said, “It’s a cheap source of protein” and that the scientific community is recognizing “the true benefits of eggs. It’s got choline, lutein, zeaxanthin … it’s very important for fetal brain development.” He added that there are studies showing eggs are also great for older individuals battling Alzheimer’s.

Center Fresh Egg Farm participates in providing an egg a day to school children in Mozambique, Africa. Dooyema recalled traveling there and seeing a child eat an egg for the first time. He said the children had never seen an egg before and tried to eat the shell along with the hardboiled egg inside before being taught not to.  more here

9 Comments on Egg Farmer at WH Easter Egg Roll: Business Is Up from ‘Really Bad’ Two Years Ago

  1. “Business for egg farming”

    WAIT. Do eggs grow out of the ground or off a tree or vine???? NO! These are egg ranchers. Hopefully rounding up those free range Cali proved chickens on horse back. Shit I’m turning in.


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