Never liked it. I made a couple of variants last year that were phenomenal, one is Puerto Rican coquito, which is very good. The other is from the Canadian military called Moose milk and it’s no joke strong and very good. Both have recipes online. Both superior to eggnog.
With Capt. Morgan’s Rum.
Evan Williams Eggnog is pretty good.
I like it, but my bowels don’t.
Not a fan.
Mr. Williams built a distillery in Louisville on the banks of the Ohio River, between 4th and 6th Streets from where you can see the falls of the Ohio. Flat bottom boats traveling west to the Mississippi River had to dock above the falls, portage their loads to below the falls, and load them back on boats heading to points south. Evan Williams was the 1st Dockmaster ever for the Louisville wharfs. Much, if not most, of the whiskey was heading to New Orleans. Evan Williams is fine bourbon, now made by Heaven Hill. This distillery is one of the few remaining that is family owned rather than by a Japanese conglomerate. The Shapira brothers own Heaven Hill, reason enough to buy it. Legend has it the William Heavenhill was the first white settler born in the Kentucky settlements.
Love the non-alcoholic stuff you can buy in the dairy aisle. Ex brother in law used to make a good one from scratch but used Rye instead of Bourbon
Almost all packaged eggnogs are not so good. One that is drinkable is Organic Valley. I like the looks of this recipe, Iâm going to scale down the volume and make some.
I love the non-alcoholic products. Prairie Farms makes a good one, there is one out right now called “Southern Comfort” but it is alcohol free. My three grandkids don’t think it is Christmas until we have our first glass of egg nog. But, we actually all prefer what used to be called “Boiled Custard” but is now just called “holiday custard”
No. Too sweet.
I love eggnog, ice cold. I picked up some from Costco made in Texas and it was by far the best I’ve ever had. Sorry, I can’t remember the name. Living in Wisconsin practically every dairy makes seasonal eggnog. If it didn’t have such high calories I’d drink it every day. Love it.
Like it very much but have to cut it with 1/2 glass skim milk and 1/2 egg nog. It’s just too rich.
Pumpkin spice from the dairy section is really good. Rather not waste my liquor just for egg nog. In my youth, I would mix regular egg nog with chocolate milk…best smoothie ever.
@Diogenes – Yes!!!
I have to stock up during the season because I’ve been known to go through a lot of Evan Williams eggnog.
“EGG…NOG!” – Denholm Elliott in Trading Places
Commie-La Harris probably chugs the shit cuz it reminds her of Willie Brown.
“Like it very much but have to cut it with 1/2 glass skim milk and 1/2 egg nog. Itâs just too rich.”
You’re doing it wrong. 1/2 glass whiskey and 1/2 egg nog
It’s too rich for me, too. Either way. ð
I love watching Max every week. The best part is at the end when he tastes his concoction. I’m on the edge of my seat watching his face and waiting for his verdict and comments. Wonderfully informative videos. I highly recommend.
I love egg nog.
Unfortunately, after getting a diagnosis of pre-diabetes, I have reduced my carb intake dramatically.
I did recently find a recipe for a keto version that I am going to try making.
I will have to report back later.
My love of egg nog may be killed off by the keto version, as so many low carb recipes have been a disappointment in the taste/texture catagory.
I love it a little too much. It’s good in coffee too. Of course a big Tom and Jerry at Christmas is even better.
I grew up on Tom & Jerry’s as soon as my first drinking age Christmas. The Brass Rail bar in Port Huron Michigan is famous for them. You had to wait outside or at the Coney Island next door for a seat to open during the Christmas Season. Tastes way better than the recipe sounds and packed a punch.
Made it as a kid, a couple of eggs in milk, vanilla, sugar and nutmeg. Blended not stirred. Its not rich like stores now sell, although I drink either. Have a carton of store bought in the ice box right now.
If it upsets your gut, it’s because of the lactose. Try making it with lactose-free, vanilla ice cream!
On the other hand, one has to choose one’s calories carefully at Christmas lest one outgrow their winter ski pants. I’ll skip the eggnog and have some cookies, instead. With good coffee spiked with some good Whiskey! ð
Love eggnog, straight up with nutmeg sprinkled on top. sip it and enjoy it.
when I was a kid there was hollynog basically watered down eggnog. disgusting. why bother?
real eggnog is more like a white russian, creamy and warms the soul. not really my cup of tea but tasty.
I love it, my favorite recipe is a 8 oz. glass 2 small cubes of ice and 4 oz Jameson’s Irish Whisky! You can pour out the rest of that shit!
Southern Comfort non alcoholic is all I drink. One small carton a year.
Love it!
With alcohol or without.
My father would be disappointed with me if I don’t have a bottle or jug with me when we get to their house on Christmas Eve as well.
I’m intrigued, Dio, what’s so special about Evan Williams Eggnog?
I love the stuff straight! Several years ago I was having Christmas dinner with my sister and poured myself a large glass of it. We commenced eating and after eating a few mouthfuls of food, I took a big swig of eggnog. I thought it tasted a bit odd but attributed it to the mixture of flavors in my mouth and thought nothing of it and continued eating. After a time I drank some more and thought “this stuff tastes funny.” But I continued to eat. After I finished eating, I drank the last of the eggnog in my glass and exclaimed “Dammit, something is wrong with this stuff!” My sister asked me what was wrong with it. I told her I didn’t know, but I was going to find out. It seemed they had forgotten to put the sugar in it. Off to the refrigerator I went and pulled out the carton. Nope, the contents were perfectly fine. I had poured myself a glass of egg something all right. Not eggNOG, but eggBEATERS! We laughed ourselves stupid! After our bout of laughter, I started jumping up and down. My sister wanted to know what I was doing. I told her I might as well have scrambled eggs too.
There was this big fierce black guy – his name was called Egg Nog – and he usta bully the little girls around the pool. So’s I tooken the l’il girls with me into the locker room to poteck em, y’see, and then I beat the shit outta Egg Nog.
A waste of good bourbon.
Never liked it. I made a couple of variants last year that were phenomenal, one is Puerto Rican coquito, which is very good. The other is from the Canadian military called Moose milk and it’s no joke strong and very good. Both have recipes online. Both superior to eggnog.
With Capt. Morgan’s Rum.
Evan Williams Eggnog is pretty good.
I like it, but my bowels don’t.
Not a fan.
Mr. Williams built a distillery in Louisville on the banks of the Ohio River, between 4th and 6th Streets from where you can see the falls of the Ohio. Flat bottom boats traveling west to the Mississippi River had to dock above the falls, portage their loads to below the falls, and load them back on boats heading to points south. Evan Williams was the 1st Dockmaster ever for the Louisville wharfs. Much, if not most, of the whiskey was heading to New Orleans. Evan Williams is fine bourbon, now made by Heaven Hill. This distillery is one of the few remaining that is family owned rather than by a Japanese conglomerate. The Shapira brothers own Heaven Hill, reason enough to buy it. Legend has it the William Heavenhill was the first white settler born in the Kentucky settlements.
Love the non-alcoholic stuff you can buy in the dairy aisle. Ex brother in law used to make a good one from scratch but used Rye instead of Bourbon
Almost all packaged eggnogs are not so good. One that is drinkable is Organic Valley. I like the looks of this recipe, Iâm going to scale down the volume and make some.
I love the non-alcoholic products. Prairie Farms makes a good one, there is one out right now called “Southern Comfort” but it is alcohol free. My three grandkids don’t think it is Christmas until we have our first glass of egg nog. But, we actually all prefer what used to be called “Boiled Custard” but is now just called “holiday custard”
No. Too sweet.
I love eggnog, ice cold. I picked up some from Costco made in Texas and it was by far the best I’ve ever had. Sorry, I can’t remember the name. Living in Wisconsin practically every dairy makes seasonal eggnog. If it didn’t have such high calories I’d drink it every day. Love it.
Like it very much but have to cut it with 1/2 glass skim milk and 1/2 egg nog. It’s just too rich.
Pumpkin spice from the dairy section is really good. Rather not waste my liquor just for egg nog. In my youth, I would mix regular egg nog with chocolate milk…best smoothie ever.
@Diogenes – Yes!!!
I have to stock up during the season because I’ve been known to go through a lot of Evan Williams eggnog.
“EGG…NOG!” – Denholm Elliott in Trading Places
Commie-La Harris probably chugs the shit cuz it reminds her of Willie Brown.
“Like it very much but have to cut it with 1/2 glass skim milk and 1/2 egg nog. Itâs just too rich.”
You’re doing it wrong. 1/2 glass whiskey and 1/2 egg nog
It’s too rich for me, too. Either way. ð
I love watching Max every week. The best part is at the end when he tastes his concoction. I’m on the edge of my seat watching his face and waiting for his verdict and comments. Wonderfully informative videos. I highly recommend.
I love egg nog.
Unfortunately, after getting a diagnosis of pre-diabetes, I have reduced my carb intake dramatically.
I did recently find a recipe for a keto version that I am going to try making.
I will have to report back later.
My love of egg nog may be killed off by the keto version, as so many low carb recipes have been a disappointment in the taste/texture catagory.
I love it a little too much. It’s good in coffee too. Of course a big Tom and Jerry at Christmas is even better.
I grew up on Tom & Jerry’s as soon as my first drinking age Christmas. The Brass Rail bar in Port Huron Michigan is famous for them. You had to wait outside or at the Coney Island next door for a seat to open during the Christmas Season. Tastes way better than the recipe sounds and packed a punch.
Made it as a kid, a couple of eggs in milk, vanilla, sugar and nutmeg. Blended not stirred. Its not rich like stores now sell, although I drink either. Have a carton of store bought in the ice box right now.
If it upsets your gut, it’s because of the lactose. Try making it with lactose-free, vanilla ice cream!
On the other hand, one has to choose one’s calories carefully at Christmas lest one outgrow their winter ski pants. I’ll skip the eggnog and have some cookies, instead. With good coffee spiked with some good Whiskey! ð
Love eggnog, straight up with nutmeg sprinkled on top. sip it and enjoy it.
when I was a kid there was hollynog basically watered down eggnog. disgusting. why bother?
real eggnog is more like a white russian, creamy and warms the soul. not really my cup of tea but tasty.
I love it, my favorite recipe is a 8 oz. glass 2 small cubes of ice and 4 oz Jameson’s Irish Whisky! You can pour out the rest of that shit!
Southern Comfort non alcoholic is all I drink. One small carton a year.
Love it!
With alcohol or without.
My father would be disappointed with me if I don’t have a bottle or jug with me when we get to their house on Christmas Eve as well.
I’m intrigued, Dio, what’s so special about Evan Williams Eggnog?
I love the stuff straight! Several years ago I was having Christmas dinner with my sister and poured myself a large glass of it. We commenced eating and after eating a few mouthfuls of food, I took a big swig of eggnog. I thought it tasted a bit odd but attributed it to the mixture of flavors in my mouth and thought nothing of it and continued eating. After a time I drank some more and thought “this stuff tastes funny.” But I continued to eat. After I finished eating, I drank the last of the eggnog in my glass and exclaimed “Dammit, something is wrong with this stuff!” My sister asked me what was wrong with it. I told her I didn’t know, but I was going to find out. It seemed they had forgotten to put the sugar in it. Off to the refrigerator I went and pulled out the carton. Nope, the contents were perfectly fine. I had poured myself a glass of egg something all right. Not eggNOG, but eggBEATERS! We laughed ourselves stupid! After our bout of laughter, I started jumping up and down. My sister wanted to know what I was doing. I told her I might as well have scrambled eggs too.
There was this big fierce black guy – his name was called Egg Nog – and he usta bully the little girls around the pool. So’s I tooken the l’il girls with me into the locker room to poteck em, y’see, and then I beat the shit outta Egg Nog.