Egypt’s Sisi Refuses to Take in Palestinians: ‘Must Remain on Their Land’ – IOTW Report

Egypt’s Sisi Refuses to Take in Palestinians: ‘Must Remain on Their Land’

Breitbart: Egyptian strongman Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, reportedly speaking at a military graduation on Thursday, urged residents of Gaza to “remain on their land” rather than attempt to relocate away from the violence of the jihadist terror group Hamas and any potential retaliation from the Israeli government.

Sisi’s regime shut its border with Gaza on Tuesday after the Israeli government suggested that those seeking to flee Hamas should consider relocating to the fellow Muslim Arab country. While many Arabs and others in the Middle East enthusiastically support many of Hamas’s demands – primarily, the creation of a state of “Palestine” carved out of Israel – their governments have been hesitant to assist Palestinians in evacuating wartorn areas. Some Egyptians speaking to the Emirati newspaper The National this week complained that their country already has “enough” refugees and, while they support the eradication of Israel, they would prefer not to take the Palestinians into their country. more here

21 Comments on Egypt’s Sisi Refuses to Take in Palestinians: ‘Must Remain on Their Land’

  1. “Palestinian” is Arab for “pestilent.”
    They are a bunch of hate-filled, vicious, amoral, retarded psychopaths who would do to Egypt what they have done everywhere they’ve been allowed to infest.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Learning about the history past few days. Knew some, but wow, the Israelis have tried to help Gaza improve their quality of life a number of times over the decades, but were bit every time by the ingrates. It really is a black & white situation.

    Wish more people would seek some truth.

  3. The civilian population in Gaza voted for and supported Hamas terrorists. Little if any difference of European countries who supported NAZIs and territory held by the Imperial Japanese.

    As in any war the civilian populations, as well as, Military Personnel pay a severe price from the wars caused by Leaders of Countries. The death toll is staggering.

    Did the US and allies concern themselves with the death of civilian populations when they decided to Fire Bomb Darmstadt, Dresden, Duisburg, Hamburg, Munich, Wuppertal, Stuttgart, Königsberg and many other cities and villages in Nazi Europe? 100s of thousands of civilians were killed over 4 1/2 years of Bombing and ground combat.

    Then there were the bombing campaigns in the Pacific war with Japan, the greatest civilian death toll of Nagasaki and Hiroshima well over 100,000 civilians (although those civilian deaths don’t reflect numerous other Bombing Campaigns against Japan).

    Why anyone could believe the civilian death toll in Gaza would be non-existent has no concept of War or History of Conflicts and Wars. Those civilians who stand idly by and allow terrorist regimes, like those civilians that fully support terrorism, are combatants as they feed the terrorist beasts.
    Civilian casualties will exist, at times in staggering numbers.

    For you that have not experienced it, War is Brutal, vicious, immoral, uncaring of either side, filled with killing, suffering, loss of life, wounded civilians and combatants. It is Hell on Earth.

    Through God’s Grace the United States has not experienced full blown war on our land since the War Between the States. A terrible loss of life and destruction of entire American families and communities. With the influx of illegal immigrants many of which are jihadists and terrorist from across the Globe, we may experience severe loss of life similar to Israel and other Nations in Europe.
    Don’t be fooled, “It can Happen Here” !

    As you watch main stream media, UN and others siding with the Palestinians, Israel has been chided into a War by HAMAS. 10s of thousands of rockets fired by HAMAS and other terrorist acts against Israel’s citizens and communities for decades, culminating in the recent invasion and slaughter of thousands of Israelis. Hamas must be destroyed at all costs to protect the population of ISRAEL and free the Palestinians from the terrorist regime, Hamas.

  4. The big scam is the world keeping these parsites in Isreal territory when no one sane in the world will take them – except obama/biden, who just threw our border open to thousands of them.

  5. Transport them to the West Bank. Fatah and hamas get along just like you might expect among such people. The distraction to both entities while settling their mutual hatred would take a lot of the pressure off everyone else they like to screw with. It would reduce their numbers and to some extent refocus their rage toward one another for some time.

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