El Paso Walmart shooter sentenced to 90 life sentences – IOTW Report

El Paso Walmart shooter sentenced to 90 life sentences

Just The News:

The Texas man who killed 23 people at a Walmart in El Paso, was sentenced to 90 consecutive life sentences on Friday. 

The man, Patrick Crusius, pleaded guilty to all the federal counts, including 45 hate crimes, NBC News reports. 

In 2019, Crusius drove all the way from north Texas to El Paso, where he opened fire on shoppers at a Walmart. 

The Justice Department said that just minutes before the attack, he wrote hate-filled statements on social media, referring to an “invasion” of immigrants in the United States. 

Besides 23 people being killed, 22 people were also injured in the attack. 

10 Comments on El Paso Walmart shooter sentenced to 90 life sentences

  1. Huh? Our judicial system has lost its fucking mind.
    What’s the point of that? Really. What’s the point?
    Infinity plus one?
    Gas (hang, shoot, run over with a steam roller, whatever) this motherfucker and be done with it.

    Why should the people of Texas have to feed, clothe, and medicate this cocksucker for 90 lifetimes?

    Absolute insanity.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. 90 inches of rope would certainly help the long-suffering taxpayers that will be forced to support his worthless ass for the rest of his miserable life.
    Maybe the death penalty isn’t deterrent enough because it’s seldom used.

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