El Salvador tells Trump it’s trying to slow migration – IOTW Report

El Salvador tells Trump it’s trying to slow migration

B: San Salvador (AFP) – El Salvador insisted Saturday that it is taking steps to curb illegal migration to the United States, fending off criticism from President Donald Trump.

“Our country has carried out major efforts and made economic and social progress as part of the Alliance for Prosperity plan, an initiative in which we have invested a great deal of money, and on which we work with other nations to reduce migration,” a Salvadoran government statement said.

The impoverished Central American nation has been able to reduce illegal emigration by 60 percent so far this year, the statement said.

On Friday, Trump threatened to cut off aid to nations in Central America’s Northern Triangle — Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.

“Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador are doing nothing for the United States but taking our money,” the US leader tweeted. more

7 Comments on El Salvador tells Trump it’s trying to slow migration

  1. “Our country has carried out major efforts and made economic and social progress as part of the Alliance for Prosperity plan, an initiative in which we have invested a great deal of money, and on which we work with other nations to reduce migration,” a Salvadoran government statement said.”

    Yeah, whose money?….American foreign aid money?…Just cut off their funds. Period.

  2. Now they’re getting worried about aid being cut-off and their swiss bank accounts becoming lonely. These bastards embezzle US and other foreign aid while at the same taking protection money from the cartels to produce and ship coke through to Europe and the States.

  3. I remember when you could buy clothes and light manufactured goods from El Salvador and other Central Am. and Caribbean countries. Then Bill Clinton, flush with illegal Chinese cash, gave China Most Favored Nation trade status (reneging on a campaign pledge). Since then Central America has been exporting their people to us instead of manufactured goods.


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