El Salvador’s Bukele claims ‘record’ reelection win after gang crackdown – IOTW Report

El Salvador’s Bukele claims ‘record’ reelection win after gang crackdown

Fireworks erupted in El Salvador’s capital Sunday as gang-busting President Nayib Bukele claimed to have won reelection with more than 85 percent of votes cast: “a record in the entire democratic history of the world.”

5 Comments on El Salvador’s Bukele claims ‘record’ reelection win after gang crackdown

  1. AP’s response: ‘Well they claimed victory suspiciously early.’
    Yeah, that’s because it was an overwhelming landslide. But AP wants people to think that the election results are illegitimate. Because they hate freedom.
    Happy that Argentina and El Salvador are seeing real democracy.

  2. Well, now the commies have a target to shoot for with Biden or Mooch’s election later this year. Can’t have some dude in El Salvador winning by a bigger margin than them.
    Look for a 98% win for the dem


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