El Salvador’s President Bukele produces the receipts on Biden corruption – IOTW Report

El Salvador’s President Bukele produces the receipts on Biden corruption

If Bukele can use this kind of knowledge of secret corruption to discredit the Bidenites, so can America’s much more threatening enemies.  The gate has been opened.

American Thinker:
By Monica Showalter

El Salvador’s President Nayim Bukele is something of a freak, a loose cannon.  His Twitter photo should give you the idea:

I can’t tell if he’s on the right or left.  He’s some kind of opportunist who’s often described as a caudillo.  He’s an ex-communist with Venezuelan advisers, as the screen shot indicates at the top.  But apparently the country’s real communists don’t like him.  He’s trashed his country’s future by dropping the U.S. dollar as the country’s currency and replacing it with bitcoin, an unreliable ledger currency favored by drug-dealers, money-launderers, and fast-buck speculators.  He is said to be popular, based on all the corrupt and ineffective governments that came before him.  I can’t tell if he really is or not.  One thing we do know is that illegal migration from El Salvador is not as bad as it used to be.  We also know that he’s not on speaking terms with Joe Biden based on some bad treatment the Bidenites gave him when he visited the U.S. in February. Now Bukele has rattled the pot a little.

7 Comments on El Salvador’s President Bukele produces the receipts on Biden corruption

  1. “… provided financial incentives to Salvadoran gangs MS-13 and 18th Street Gang (Barrio 18) to ensure that incidents of gang violence and the number of confirmed homicides remained low …”

    Why doesn’t he just have the LE people and media lie about it like we do?
    Much cheaper!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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