Elderly at the Back of the Line for COVID-19 Vaccine Under Biden a Presidency? – IOTW Report

Elderly at the Back of the Line for COVID-19 Vaccine Under Biden a Presidency?

Biden’s key coronavirus advisor favors “distributive justice.”


During the presidential debate on September 29th, Joe Biden showed either how ignorant he is or his propensity to lie when he claimed that President Trump “has no plan” and “hasn’t laid out anything” in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. Many of the constructive recommendations that Biden has offered are plagiarized from what President Trump has been doing since January. Biden is way behind the curve. When Biden does deviate, it is downright scary – for example, his suggestion that he would close down the entire country again if advised to do so by health experts.

Scarier still is how Joe Biden would decide who should be at the front of the line for receiving coronavirus vaccines when they are ready to be distributed. Based on likelihood of death from the disease, the elderly should receive priority. According to CDC statistics on the percentage of Americans dying from coronavirus by age group, approximately 79% are 65 and older. President Trump has repeatedly made the most vulnerable his top priority. However, in crafting his strategy to deal with COVID-19, Joe Biden is relying on the advice of a doctor who would move the elderly towards the back of the line in the order of priority for receiving a vaccine as well as in benefiting from vital, life-saving medical equipment.

Dr. Zeke Emanuel, 63, is the most prominent member of Joe Biden’s coronavirus task force. This senior fellow at the far-left Center for American Progress, and key architect of Obamacare, doesn’t think it is worth living beyond the age of 75. Emanuel (pictured above) has written that living too long is “a loss.” Past what age does Emanuel consider living too long? “Seventy-five. That is all I want to live,” Emanuel wrote in an article for The Atlantic. That’s rich considering that the man he is advising who is running for president will turn 78 on November 20th. more here

13 Comments on Elderly at the Back of the Line for COVID-19 Vaccine Under Biden a Presidency?

  1. I’m elderly and I have absolutely no intention of taking a vaccine, so this policy doesn’t bother me.

    In fact, if it turns out to ba a forced vaccine it would benefit me since I might die anyway of something else before the vaccine Nazi’s come after me and force me into a confrontation I don’t want and wouldn’t survive (hopefully, some of them wouldn’t either).

  2. NY’s gov gave the public a reminder of where the elderly sit in the pecking order.
    The care facility directive proved so effective that Joe plagiarized it for national use.

  3. No doubt that would be true. Remember the town-hall event on Obama care, Obama openly supported eliminating or withholding treatment from senior citizens who would not benefit from health care. The party for assisted suicide and abortion, that also put covid positive people in nursing homes.

  4. Considering side effects of vaccines in human trials right now, it wouldn’t be surprising to see the elderly killed off in significant numbers from the vaccine itself. Not to mention time of efficacy, we’ll be subject to taking them 2 or 3 times per year, which is ridiculous.

  5. covidiot trackers or vaccine a**holes will be safe if they keep their hands empty & open, maintain at least 21′ distance. otherwise they represent an imminent threat of grievous bodily harm/death.

  6. I have had four flu shots in my life. Each time I have gotten sick-as-a-dog-with-a-101.5-degree-fever-for-the-better-part-of-a-week-feeling-like-I-was-going-to-die. What does it take for me to be able to say “I am not doing this again?”

    The only way I would get a vaccine: a $1,000,000 bond is posted that would go to my estate if when I die from it. If those requiring that I get the vaccine don’t want to put their money where their totalitarianism is then I am not getting it.

  7. Take a note from Demonrat Governors. If you are over 60 they WANT you dead!

    They know 86% of the elderly are Republicans and it solves their Medicare funding issues.

    Thus China invented a boutique virus called Covid 19. They wanted to wipe out the non-productive members of their society and they could give two ducks about the impact on other countries.

    It was the single largest act of global terrorism ever committed.

  8. “Elderly at the Back of the Line for COVID-19 Vaccine”
    Good. Considering the rush job, lack of testing, etc, etc, I don’t WANT to be at the front of the line to take any new & scantily tested vaccine. I’ll wait my turn, and keep moving to the back of the line.
    Then as everyone else dies off, or suffers other side effects (“Blinky”, the three-eyed fish), I’ll just keep moving to the back of the line.


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