Elderly Homeowner Shoots Alleged Intruder to Save Wife – IOTW Report

Elderly Homeowner Shoots Alleged Intruder to Save Wife

Breitbart: A 76-year-old Redington Beach, Florida, homeowner shot and wounded an alleged intruder to save his wife from attack around 3 a.m. on December 27, 2023.

The Tampa Bay Times reported 51-year-old Robert Jackson allegedly used a rock to break a window out of the home, then entered the residence through the opening.

Once inside he allegedly attacked a 74-year-old woman and her husband, 76-year-old John Treadwell, intervened by shooting Jackson in the shoulder. more here

15 Comments on Elderly Homeowner Shoots Alleged Intruder to Save Wife

  1. I had an intruder a while back it was all kinds of trouble and expense. He had me charged with assault for throwing him out of my very own house. NY. I told everyone the next time they won’t find the body.

  2. I’m glad someone else is beginning to say what I have been saying about the word “alleged.” If this had happened in California or New York you know the 76 year old would be charged, but the story declared the 76 year old shot the other person.

    On another matter, is it me or was that article somewhat confusing? The guy breaks in to the one home, gets shot, then tries to break into another home? However, he screams after being shot and ends up in the middle of the street? It would seem that he tried unsuccessfully to break into the other house, then broke into the house of the elderly couple and got shot. I can’t imagine he would have been shot THEN tried to break into another house — which is what the article said.

  3. @GrayFeather.

    NY, you say? You must be excited that Governor Hochul has just commissioned the Reparations Committee.

    If I were you I would make an exit stage right.

    Although I worry about what congressman Hank Johnson(D). did about Guam and the island tipping over there were too many Marines.
    I fear that Florida is listing. It’s a big country. Much of it doesn’t have pink Troll hair. Nor angry troll faces.

  4. @Greyfeather reminds me of a story from the past month. I don’t know if it was posted here or I found it on YouTube. A guy goes in to commit an armed robbery at a Dollar General that is posted as a gun-free zone. However, the clerk has a CCW permit and was carrying.

    You should have heard the robber’s family howling about how unfair it was that the clerk had a gun in a store posted as a gun free zone when the now-deceased dirtbag went it to rob the place — with a gun.

  5. “Gray Feather SUNDAY, 31 DECEMBER 2023, 19:50 AT 7:50 PM
    I had an intruder a while back it was all kinds of trouble and expense. He had me charged with assault for throwing him out of my very own house. NY. I told everyone the next time they won’t find the body.”

    Tell me you don’t live in Texas without saying you don’t live in Texas.


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