Election 2020: This is Far from Over! Rudy Giuliani and Louder with Crowder – IOTW Report

Election 2020: This is Far from Over! Rudy Giuliani and Louder with Crowder

Watch the livestream here.
Just scoot back to the beginning.

Steven reviews the current state of the 2020 Election, involving recounts, lawsuits, mail-in ballot irregularities, and what this means for the legitimacy of every vote being properly counted and all elections going forward.

9 Comments on Election 2020: This is Far from Over! Rudy Giuliani and Louder with Crowder

  1. Brian Stelter (D-CNN) raised his voice a few octaves in anger that Trump hasn’t conceded 24 hours after the media has prematurely, and likely falsely, called the election for Joe Briben.

  2. Somewhat off-topic but I need some advice. Would it be inappropriate for me, during these extreme times, to fly my American flag upside-down next to my Trump flag?

  3. @Brown Eyed Girl, just keep the Trump / Pence 2020 flag flying in a prominent spot, high enough and far enough away that some wannabe antifa doesn’t try to steal it.

    I watched the whole thing. The Giuliani interview was really good. The president isn’t Romney and isn’t going to let them steal the election.

  4. Brown eyed girl.
    If I were you, I wouldn’t. The flag of the United States has meaning beyond this election turmoil. Remember, too, that the election has not been finalized, though the media thinks they can just make it so.

  5. Dr. Tar, thank you. I live in a town of 2,500 and 90% of them are conservatives. No worries there. Antifa’s too lazy to drive to where I live. And thank you, Gracela. Noted and I’ll take that advice.

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