Election Day – IOTW Report

Election Day

Dianny voted!
Patriot Retort: 

It’s election day. And here in Syracuse, we’re going to the polls to elect a new mayor.

Thank God. Our current mayor, Stephanie Miner – or as I call her the Minor Mayor – is thankfully finishing up her time in office.

And this morning, for the first time since 2000, I did not vote for a Republican.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I did vote for Republicans (if there were any) in down-ballot races.

But I did not vote for the Republican candidate for Mayor of Syracuse.

Instead, I cast my vote for Independent candidate Ben Walsh.

And something tells me, I am among a large percentage of Syracuse residents who plan to do the same.

Syracuse is a solidly blue city.

In fact, Syracuse is so blue, it looks like it’s oxygen-deprived.

It’s so blue, any song by Billie Holiday would make a fine city anthem.

The Democrat candidate, Juanita Perez Williams, is such a left-wing hack, she makes Stephanie Minor look competent.

And because Syracuse is such a reliably blue city, Perez Williams clearly thought she has this election in the bag.

But I’m guessing she doesn’t anymore.

Syracuse is not a major metropolitan area. And, thanks to eight years of mismanagement by Stephanie Miner, it is not an economic powerhouse for the state of New York.

But despite all that, over the last couple weeks, major Democrat luminaries have been piling on endorsements for Perez Williams.

Including Joe Biden.  MORE HERE

4 Comments on Election Day

  1. All we get to vote for out here in Spokane is for City Council and Prop 2 which would ban oil and coal trains from moving thru our city or fine the railroad BNSF heavily for every load of oil or coal shipped thru town. I predict the Luddites will lose their ass on this one. The damned so called progressives are so anti progressive it makes your head spin to think they can ban legal interstate commerce. I hate the left and their so called progressive Luddites.

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