Election Info Thread – IOTW Report

Election Info Thread

Instead of me doing a thousand different frickin’ posts, or repeating earlier news, please post your election info with a quick synopsis in the comment section. Much appreesh!

44 Comments on Election Info Thread

  1. defendingtherepublic.org
    Sidney Powell’s website (perhaps with L Lin Wood, I’m not sure yet)
    Donate, SCOTUS, Battleground (court filings, MI has a forensic report),Contact with a separate place to Report Fraud
    hey also have
    but I have not looked at it yet too much
    looks like videos and articles

  2. The Supreme Court, the Michigan State Courts claim the won’t get involved in election matters claiming it’s political. Michigan State Police? not a problem, we’ll be happy to interfere!

  3. I’m ashamed that I live in Michigan. I can’t hardly believe that the police are protecting the criminals. I saw the DC police on Saturday protecting antifa from the Proud boys. They are traitors.

  4. Speaking of December count. Boris Epseyn on Bannon’s show is saying that with the republican party of Wisconsin’s win today they will now be allowed to challenge all those “indefinitely confined” voters and throw out those who didn’t qualify for that status. I’m hoping they only have to show a person isn’t suffering from age or incapacitation (as per the law) and that they don’t have to show the vote was cast by someone ineligible to vote normally. I would not be surprise if the democrats in state file a lawsuit demand that be the standard. They only need to disqualify 10% from the 215,000 that voted that way. Should be easy to find them given that there should only have been around 72,000 with that status.

  5. As somebody said, it doesn’t matter who was on the ballots. It just matters who counts the vote.

    Doesn’t the president of the Senate collect and count the electoral votes? The president of the Senate is our VP.

  6. Here’s my election info…..

    They, (liberals and democrats in general), have spent much time and money to fool Americans, instill fear, subdue the facts and create hate and discontent in order to RULE OVER this country and all it stands for, including the less knowledgeable and yet innocent people that make America what it is.

    Their attempts should be met with the prescribed punishment of life imprisonment or death.

    I prefer the latter.

  7. Rich Taylor — Nothing is “official” today. There are too many balls in the air — AND there was provable fraud.

    Something to consider: Donald J. Trump was appointed by God to be a savior (the Isrealites of the OT had many, many saviors) of our Republic — the only gov’t in the world in which the individual is sovereign and whose natural born rights are bequeathed by God Almighty. Decreased taxes and regulations, increased jobs and lower unemployment, stopping the illegal assault at our borders, is all good, and his fight to do these things has revealed the bare faces of those who oppose us, but the real battle to vanquish the enemies of our Republic (foreign and domestic) is now and going forward into his second term.

    I truly believe God would not have put Donald John Trump where he is and then not allow him to finish his assignment.

  8. After many years of pounding the pavement, knocking doors, making phone calls, driving candidates around….I realize it was mostly for naught.

    Excuse me if I take the holiday off. I am fucking done.

    We’ve been ratfucked by the devious democrats and the media, including Fox News. I need a few weeks off in order to figure out a way forward. Cannot watch NFL. Cannot watch news. I am completely rudderless at this point.

    For now I am looking to family and distraction from reality.
    My Malaysian coworker is taking me out to lunch for my birthday. 66. How did that happen? That’s full boat social security, right? Haha.

  9. (…ARE all good..)

    Also: The most important battle is for the soul of our nation. Christians, by and large, thought they got off with cheap mercy. Pray a little and God delivers, right? Not so fast. Like the Israelites under Cyrus, we were SUPPOSED to build God’s house and, just like the Israelites under Cyrus, we sat back and congratulated ourselves on all the “winning!”, and didn’t get on with the job.

    This time, we’d better get our act together, get serious about who we are and why we’re here in the first place. Words are cheap. Repent, turn away from sin, and get back to work on God’s house — our Shining City on a Hill — to serve as a beacon of hope to the rest of the world and to show the rest of the world what a Christian nation looks like.

  10. Thanks Abigail. I think 66 is better than 16 at this point.
    Hopefully I am wrong about that.

    I still spoil for the fight, but at this moment I just don’t know where this country is headed. It doesn’t look good at the moment.

  11. AA, what is official today is that the electors in each state met and casts their ballots with Biden gaining enough ballots to make him president. The electors’ ballots will then be sent to Congress, arriving by Dec. 23. On Jan. 3, the new Congress will be sworn into office. Three days later, on Jan. 6, the newly appointed members will count the electoral votes. This is the final step in the path from president-elect to president. Now if something happens in the courts to derail any of this, fine, but this is the timeline set by the Constitution.

    “I truly believe God would not have put Donald John Trump where he is and then not allow him to finish his assignment.”

    I don’t know what God’s plan is for this country but I believe that all things will unfold exactly the way he intended. The Jews suffered 400 years of bondage in Egypt, then another 40 years wondering in the wilderness. If A Biden presidency is our punishment for a nation that collectively turned it’s back to him, well, it makes perfect sense to me.

  12. Rich Taylor — Agreed, there’s always that possibility. However, the Israelites were released/rescued from their bondage(s) and allowed to go on to their promised land or to somewhere else. We don’t have that option available to us in the event our land is confiscated by Communists. If that were to happen we can’t “fight and run away” in order to “fight another day.” I don’t how God will deal with us, but I do know that he is rational and that he loves us.

  13. I like to look for stuff and wish I had more direction. Got this idea at Free Republic.
    The company SLI tests and certifies the voting machines and software (including Dominion Software) in most states. SLI Compliance that is owned by GLI LLC, a worldwide gaming industry testing company.
    Report Concerning the Examination Results of Dominion Voting Systems Democracy Suite 5.5A with various other devices. January 2019 PA
    Mentions SLI Global Solutions, names; also names people at Dominion; testing done at SLI business place in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, says SLI made a video
    Through the formal California contracting process, the Secretary of State awarded a contract to SLI Compliance (SLI). https://votingsystems.cdn.sos.ca.gov/vendors/dominion/dvs510staff-report.pdf

    The Auditmark maintains a forensic record of everything that has happened to the ballot image.
    LAKEWOOD, N.J. (September 8, 2020) – Gaming Laboratories International (GLI®) has become the first independent test lab authorized by the Michigan Gaming Control Board (MGCB) to test and certify iGaming and mobile sports betting in Michigan.SLI Global Solutions Joins the GLI Group of Companies
    SLI Compliance does Pre and post election forensic analysis

  14. Will Blubber Barr make it out the door (wherever that is) without greasing his fat arse which no doubt got much YUGE-er over the last two years from sitting on so many cases.

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