Election integrity witness in Lake v. Hobbs trial: Maricopa ‘misplaced’ receipts for early voting ballots – IOTW Report

Election integrity witness in Lake v. Hobbs trial: Maricopa ‘misplaced’ receipts for early voting ballots

According to a declaration from a Runbeck employee, the delivery receipts for the early voting ballots cast on Election Day never existed.

JTN: An election integrity witness in the civil trial of Kari Lake’s lawsuit testified Wednesday that Maricopa County said they “misplaced” the delivery receipts for early voting ballots that were delivered to Runbeck Election Services.

Lake, the Arizona GOP gubernatorial nominee, is suing her Democratic opponent, Governor-elect and Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, and Maricopa County Director of Elections Scott Jarrett, alleging that the “number of illegal votes cast in Arizona’s general election … far exceeds the 17,117 vote margin” between Lake and Hobbs.

Heather Honey, the founder of election integrity watchdog Verity Vote, testified about ballot chain of custody on Wednesday.

Under direct examination by Lake’s legal counsel Bryan Blehm, Honey said that when Lake sought all chain of custody documents from Maricopa County, the county provided all of the requested documents except for the county’s delivery receipt forms for early voting ballots. The county told them, she testified, that the receipts were “misplaced.” However, she said, a Runbeck employee wrote in a declaration that the receipts never existed for Election Day.

Honey explained that when the early voting ballots are retrieved from ballot drop boxes, the Early Votes Ballot Transport Statement (EVBTS) is used to document the chain of custody of the ballots. Maricopa County election officials then create delivery receipts that have the precise counts of ballots loaded onto trucks and transferred to Runbeck, the election services contractor the county uses. Runbeck then creates a document specifying how many ballots were dropped off. MORE

Expert in Kari Lake election suit: ‘No doubt’ she would have won without Maricopa Election Day chaos.

7 Comments on Election integrity witness in Lake v. Hobbs trial: Maricopa ‘misplaced’ receipts for early voting ballots

  1. I’ve been watching this testimony live best I can at work, in between 10 minute run cycle times. She’s got them dead bang. And that little Asian attorney she has is hell on wheels. Just like Kari. If she doesn’t prevail here all hope is lost and you can stop voting because it doesn’t mean shit. Also it was revealed today that Mr My Pillow is flipping the bill for all this. All whole new level of respect.

  2. “Also it was revealed today that Mr My Pillow is flipping the bill for all this. All whole new level of respect.”

    Our legal defense bills are paid through laundered federal money.

  3. The guy in charge of ballot drop boxes is the same guy who started a PAC to defeat Trump supporting candidates.

    @ BRAZIL ARMY, please invade Arizona first chance ya get.

  4. Incompetent? Not quite. One county lost or misplaced the early voting delivery receipts.
    Their stance is the ballots are good & counting of ballots good.
    So the outcome of the election will not change because of misplaced delivery receipts.
    Lake’s claim is total speculation & not any type of proof other than that. Case should be dismissed. Lake has no proof of voter fraud in the least bit.

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