Election problems persist: Kentucky, Mississippi, Pennsylvania and Texas – IOTW Report

Election problems persist: Kentucky, Mississippi, Pennsylvania and Texas

JTN: Voters in counties nationwide ran into a handful of different issues at polling locations during Election Day on Tuesday, from voting machines flipping votes in a Pennsylvania county to electronic poll books malfunctioning in Louisville, Kentucky.

Several states had statewide, local, and/or municipal elections on Tuesday, including Kentucky, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, and Texas. The first two states had gubernatorial elections, while the last two had local and statewide ballot questions or judicial races.

Because these were off-year elections, turnout was lower than either midterm or presidential elections, as local news outlets reported. During the larger turnout in both the 2020 presidential and 2022 midterm elections, counties in various states experienced numerous irregularities that led to a plethora of lawsuits. more here

10 Comments on Election problems persist: Kentucky, Mississippi, Pennsylvania and Texas

  1. Of things political, there are:

    No paradoxes.
    No co-incidences.
    No “unintended” consequences.

    Politicians are driven by malice and greed.
    The few who are genuinely concerned citizens don’t last long in the fetid fever swamps that are the political milieu.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. You want to talk about irregularaties, what about the election offices in Wash. state and Georgia that were sent envelopes full of fentanyl on election day that disrupted the vote count at many election offices. I don’t think it’s a coincidence and something is awfully hinky to me about this. it may even have affected our voting in Spokane and given us a new left-wing Mayor by default. I hate the left; they’ll do anything to cheat and retain their power and control over the American people.


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