Electric Vehicles are Not About Efficiency – IOTW Report

Electric Vehicles are Not About Efficiency

There are two things that the government loves about electric vehicles. First, they limit freedom of movement of the population—

26 Comments on Electric Vehicles are Not About Efficiency

  1. this as article is easily disproved. these articles are ALWAYS written by people that don’t own a ev and don’t know anyone that owns one. I’m calling this article a complete lie -as an ev owner. it’s true that evs don’t fit every use case but Tesla is right now building their semi truck factory in sparks Nevada and the efficiency numbers on it are well proven. these articles are as reliable as reading the CDC website to get covid deaths.

  2. The Maine state govt has a program called, “Electrify Everything”.
    It has nothing to do with the environment.
    Like others have said, it’s about control.
    Criticize the regime, get your power and heat turned off or limited. Cold out? Too bad that trashy electric car won’t run in cold weather, stay home.

  3. So … Jpm does NOT like articles written by people who are NOT stupid?

    Jpm seems to be a person who likes to ride around in supersized RC cars which are propelled by conflict batteries.

  4. You are hilarious Marooned. I bought an EV because of the economics. I was driving 30,000 miles a year. Electricity costs me $.03 per mile. I could put solar panels on my roof and still have a car. I love to see Brad fill up his truck when the pump doesn’t have any electricity.

    As it was I ended up doing real analysis on EV’s. Something you clearly demonstrate that you are incapable of.

  5. There’s a number of reasons they weren’t popular when they tried them before.
    One of the many reasons the left fucks EVERYTHING up is they never learn from their own mistakes, let alone mistakes made by others through history.
    Why are the rest of us required to re-do stupid?

  6. “love to see Brad fill up his truck when the pump doesn’t have any electricity.”
    Love to see you fill up your EV when there’s no electricity.
    Did you ever stop to think what is going to happen when everyone has an EV, while .gov continues to shut down existing power plants that are barely holding out now, and replacing them with something that only works when the sun shines?
    Stuck on stupid you are.

  7. What are you talking about Chumlee? Are you saying we don’t have better engineering 100 years later? You’re a luddite. EV technology advances wildly every year. The batteries they had 4 years ago are vastly superior and 4 years ago those batteries were vastly superior to the 4 years prior.

    What I find most hilarious is the non factual articles like the one here that the media propagates. GM alone spent 60 MILLION dollars last year. Of course the media lies like the CDC when it comes to electric cars. Only Tesla makes anything decent (but I own a Chevy Bolt which is still incredible, but I digress)

  8. @jpm — Vehicles are tools for moving people and things from here to there. The breadth of desired attributes and required duty cycle variability is enormous. Electric vehicles are certainly going to offer many of those attributes, and I’m glad for you that you found that an EV makes good sense for you.

    However, there are things that an EV is not suitable for. One example is my own situation. I live in Florida. We have hurricanes here. Some of them are severe enough to require evacuation before the storm arrives. Many people try to flee in a short amount of time, overloading roads and highways and causing stop-and-go (mostly stop) traffic jams. If my car runs out of gas, I will take my five gallon can and pour it in the tank and keep going until I can fill up (I hope). If your car’s battery runs all the way down, you will sit there for a long, long time waiting for that roll-back. You will likely get very, very wet. Or worse.

    Also, I can store, safely and inexpensively, eight to ten tankfuls of gas here at home. That’s enough for a few thousand miles of driving. You can’t do that if you drive an EV.

    A car or truck is a tool. Tool users have to match the tools they use to the tasks they want to accomplish. EVs are appropriate for some but not for everybody, and currently not even for many. You’re lucky yours works for you.

  9. I do not like EV’s Sam I Am, I will not fall for the EV scam. EV’s are a woke joke which would be like buying a pig in a poke. No, never, ever. When it’s cold outside I’d be afraid to take one for a ride because they might find me all frozen inside. And it would draw my ire if it went up in a spontaneous fire. EV’s suck and are not worth a single buck, we’d all be better off to stick with a pickup truck. Good luck, maybe if you buy an EV you progtard schmuck. For 50 or 60 K I can find a better deal any ol day. So up yours you EV jerks I’ll buy a car that really works without any EV quirks.

  10. Chumlee

    There are ways around that. There is no way around charging a shit load of EV’s when the grids down. Besides, although I’ve never tried it, there are multiple Kerosene Oil mixtures that diesel engines are suppose to run on. That’s why most of Hitlers rolling stock was diesel.

  11. jpm-how typical.
    Can’t argue the facts; can hurl insults.
    The tech isn’t there. maybe it will be someday, but not now.
    And the battery cost goes way beyond .gov subsidies & replacement costs.
    This luddite builds & programs computers, nitwit, but at least I know a scam when I see one.

  12. After reading the article and comments here, perusing others, seems like everyone has forgotten one thing: 15 minute cities. People wont care about range once the 15 minute cities are well established. shipping items will be done by rediscovering the sail, electric train(not the current diesel electric). Get angry, call me names, whatever, just get rid of it and get ready to be easily regulated…….or controlled. Which ever term you perfer

  13. If you’re already retired, dude, it ain’t gonna happen in your lifetime, no matter how hard the crazed leftists push it.
    a few more LI explode & burns will fix things.

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