Elementary School Accidentally Sends ‘Hurt Feelings Report’ to Parents – IOTW Report

Elementary School Accidentally Sends ‘Hurt Feelings Report’ to Parents

butthurt form

It’s a typical “Butthurt Form” that has been going around the internet for quite a while.
Some of the parents got the joke.
I guess the other parents will need to fill out the form.

Story here


6 Comments on Elementary School Accidentally Sends ‘Hurt Feelings Report’ to Parents

  1. “Parents told NBC10 the email was an unfortunate mistake but they don’t believe it was a reflection of the school.”

    Too right. It simply reflects the exasperation of every mature adult who has to grovel before the feelings monopoly. And is sick of it.

  2. Where can I get copies to distribute at work?

    For sixteen months I shared a small, cramped office with a Daughter of Obama. I got sick of sucking up all her nonsense and finally had to complain to a supervisor that she was way overusing scented products. I was getting splitting headaches and nausea from her extremely annoying habit of using Victoria’s Secret perfume as both air freshener and cleaning agent.

    Her defense? I fart, and she had to get rid of the smell.

    I am wondering what kind of fantasy world Ms. Snowflake is living in that she feels she shouldn’t have to smell unpleasant odors.

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