Eliot Spitzer investigated over alleged choking incident – IOTW Report

Eliot Spitzer investigated over alleged choking incident

eliot spitzer nyp

NYPost: Ex-Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s night with a woman at The Plaza hotel on Valentine’s Day weekend went south when the pair started arguing and he allegedly choked her, law-enforcement sources told The Post on Sunday.

The woman told cops she broke a glass and cut her wrists after the fight, sources said. She eventually stopped cooperating.

Officers had rushed to the Midtown hotel after the woman, Svetlana Travis, used her cellphone to call 911-


23 Comments on Eliot Spitzer investigated over alleged choking incident

  1. Valentine’s Day fights are the most brutal. I don’t know, what it is? I read yesterday that more than 40% of couples don’t even celebrate Valentine’s Day. There is probably a good reason for that.

  2. I’m off today on a court holiday, and the polar vortex is holding me hostage in my apartment. I’ve been getting saturation radio coverage of this local story.

    All the reports have been emphasizing that the victim is “not a prostitute.” I think it’s hilarious that they have to specify this.

  3. Irony, have you ever seen a photo of his ex, Silda Wall Spitzer? She’s a tall, Teutonic-looking blonde who rates quite high on the Babe-o-Meter. No idea what she saw in him; I’ve seen better-looking garden gnomes.

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