Elitist Bloomberg Slammed after Video Emerges of his Demeaning Remarks About Farmers – IOTW Report

Elitist Bloomberg Slammed after Video Emerges of his Demeaning Remarks About Farmers

Dan Bongino.com: Former New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg was slammed on Twitter after a 2016 video emerged of him making condescending remarks about farmers, proving just how out of touch he is with everyday Americans.

During a discussion at Oxford’s Saïd Business School, Bloomberg talked about the future of jobs and technology and said, “I could teach anybody…even people in this room, so no offense intended, to be a farmer. It’s a process. You dig a hole, you put a seed in, you put dirt on to, add water, up comes the corn. You could learn that.”

Then he set his sights on factory workers, telling the audience, “Then we had three hundred years of the industrial society…you turn the crank in the direction of the arrow and you can have a job, and we created a lot of jobs.”

He then discussed the modern-day “information economy” and how it required more “gray matter.” read more

SNIP: Judge Judy is campaigning for this jerk. Birds of a feather.

34 Comments on Elitist Bloomberg Slammed after Video Emerges of his Demeaning Remarks About Farmers

  1. Bloomberg wouldn’t make a pimple on a farmers ass. He probably thinks a farmer pokes his finger in the ground, drops a seed in the hole, covers it up with dirt, sprinkles some water on it, then comes back in 3-4 months and harvests his cash crop.

  2. A Hollywood cat name Jack Hannah & his brother had a restaurant up Nye Rd in Dean MT that was pretty good. I was eating there one afternoon w/my father and a woman at the next table was going on to her husband about how they should sell everything and move to a ranch in Montana.

    I said yea sure lady, the first February you have your feet against something solid so you can push a calf forward enough to get it turned while a 1’200 lb cow is trying to push it out with it’s head turned back in 20 below weather is an unheated calving shed…

    I’ve seen a lot of these knot-heads and most of them can’t even cut it hanging out indoors while the hired help does all the heavy lifting. Just keeping the water open from January through March would do the jackasses in.

  3. It’s gonna be glorious watching Napoleon Nanny Bloomturd out himself and ultra-bigoted boardroom cunt that he is. Now he’s claiming that machinists are dummies too… Has that asshole actually seen a CNC machine in action? WTF?… Are all urbanites such fucking retards now? Do they have any clue where food and energy and building materials come from at all and how they’re all put together? They’re like bratty teenagers, all arrogance and ignorance rolled up into one ball of entitled shitbaggery.

  4. I never met a farmer who couldn’t weld, build fence, operate heavy equipment, back a trailer into anywhere, doctor animals, predict the weather, repair vehicles, know good ground from bad, build anything, do anything.
    Bloomberg is a Rich.
    That is all he is.
    Without his money he’s the Short Bagel Rage dude.

  5. The problem for all the democrats is they despise and attack voters. Then they blame Russia when they don’t win. Could not possibly be them turning off voters in droves with their elitist attacks.

  6. On a serious note, I think Bloomberg is probably a financial genius who is completely clueless of how stupid he sounds when he talks. I have seen engineers that are happier with computers and numbers than with people. He has used his money to insulate him from the stupid stuff he says and does. I mean how darn stupid and clueless does one have to be to think Hillary Clinton would help him win.

  7. There were many who saw farming as a fast and easy way to make a living just prior to the Great Depression. They had little to no agricultural experience and thought the same thing as Mini Mike.

    They were also responsible for much of the damage done to the Great Plains that contributed to the Dust Bowl.

  8. Commie Bloomtard would be hard pressed to do anything more difficult then push a pencil. He, much like all the rest of his inner city brethren believe that everything they purchase is produced through PFM “IE: Pure F**king Magic”. Can’t wait until the SHTF, so I can watch the riots.

  9. Farmers are Planners. They have to look at a hundred variables from coming weather systems, soil temperatures
    best crops for best yields and future market demands
    and prices just to name a few. Then they have to pull
    it all together and work like dogs to make it happen.
    If they are wrong a few times, they go broke.
    Be damned to Nanny Bloomberg.

  10. The jobs of the future require more “gray matter”?

    Take away smart phones and here are some things our future leaders have trouble with:
    Reading a map, multiplication, getting ice out of an ice tray, changing a light bulb, using most types of hand tools, driving a stick shift car, unclogging a toilet, climbing a ladder, remembering a phone number, getting out of bed, showing up on time, reading analogue clocks, looking at someones face when they speak and properly introducing themselves, returning a phone call or E-mail in a reasonable amount of time…etc.

    Most recently i have been running into people having trouble changing batteries on things. Now that many items are re-chargeable by usb a few times a year I get customers that cannot figure out how to change batteries on their HVAC thermostats. At least 1 service call a month $$$

    These are some of the reasons that 40 to 60 year olds are having no trouble keeping their jobs as long as they want. (in Canada anyways)
    If you get just a bit dirty or have to communicate in any way with people in person you have real job security.

  11. I think I’ll plant him a corn seed in a pot and send it to him. He of course will never grow even one ear of corn. I bet with all of his so called intelligence he will never figure out why.

    The elitist idiots who think farmers are just country bumpkins who know how to do nothing but farming piss me off. For starters if all the work involved it took was to dig a hole and plant a seed, why do they depend on us for their food? Second none of these elitists have the backbone or the stomach to do what we do. Let’s see them deal with the weather and the insects just for starters when growing food. Let’s see one of them with both arms buried up to their shoulders inside a cow during freezing weather.
    We also have enough intelligence to do their jobs while doing ours and many do both.

  12. Back in the 19th century farmers were the elite around here. Many of their large brick Victorian homes still exist and occasionally a few barns and even farming operations, but not many. I grew up on a farm and my parents loved it. Yeah what TNTuxedo said. My grandpa was thrifty and loved his farm, didn’t get tractors until after WW2, but another relative thought it so easy he bought on time a tractor prior to the depression and lost his farm and now his pathetic descendants have TDS! Grandpa always voted Republican.

  13. And the combines now will brick if it senses that a non-dealer tech is performing routine maintenance. Farmers are hacking the combine computers so that they can be self reliant.

    Today’s farmer’s are using laser array steering along with GPS mapping to plow and plant their fields. Back in 1979 when I was a senior in high school where I grew up on a farm the American farmer fed his family and 104 other people. The last statistic on that I heard was the farmer’s family and 153 other people.

    A high school buddy stayed on the farm after he got a college degree in computer science. He now has his own farm with two of his son’s working with him and the oldest has struck out with his own farm. Farm’s are family businesses. The oldest son’s wife has an accounting degree where she does the books and all of the family’s taxes while keeping with their three kids while he got a genetics degree.

  14. Most college grads can’t even write a check or know how to balance their finances. A farmer needs to have money in the spring for seed, fertilizer, and fuel, then have to wait for months to see a return on their investment. I’d like to see little Mike be given a 100 acres and bank loans with city folks as farm hands to make a go at farming. He could not use any of his money he must use loans and inexperienced workers since he said he can teach them. I bet he’s bankrupt the first year.

  15. What an absolute self-important, arrogant SOB! The stupid bastid would starve to death, poking seeds in the ground and hoping for a crop. Jackass absolutely can’t teach anyone how to farm, and very likely no other subject, either.
    On top of what my fellow posters have already pointed out of farmers, my dad was an Agricultural Engineer (TAMU). After Korea, he enrolled, became a teaching assistant, and eventually Ag. Engr. instructor. When my grandad was injured, Dad returned to run the home place. He expanded operations, designed specific vegetable harvesting/grading equipment which so impressed the baby food and soup companies, they had him travel all over the country to lecture/demonstrate to other growers. He flew himself, as a commercial pilot, gratis GI Bill.
    At age 8 I was introduced to electronics by helping Dad build two-way radios for our truck fleet, as well as base and repeater stations.
    This ‘entitled’ ignorant fool has no business being anywhere near a picture of the levers of power, much less the actual levers themselves.

  16. Just watched Tucker interview Victor Davis Hanson on this very subject. He is absolutely correct. Agriculture is broadly, and deeply permeated by hi-tech tools and solutions. One of my projects, couple years back, was designing a distributed network for automated agricultural implements (including aerial drones).

    American farmers quite literally feed the world through their grit, endurance, and innovative spirits.

  17. He probably thinks that truck farmers grow trucks. Tell that to my grandparents who made a good living and raised 5 kids in the 20’s and 30’s growing and selling vegetables from a small farm in N. Idaho. They were probably ahead of their time selling vegetables at a road side stand in front of their farm as well as taking and selling some of their produce door to door in the Silver Valley where people couldn’t grow a whole lot of anything because of smoke and ash and heavy metals pollution from the silver mines. My dad told me stories about that how he helped my grandfather to sell their produce door to door from the back of their old p/u truck. Could doomburg work that hard to make a living, I doubt it, or he would farm it out to someone else who could work hard. He’s the kind of ninny that thinks that food comes only from grocery stores and somehow mysteriously is always there.

  18. My grandmother also sold some flowers especially gladiolas during the Spring and Summer not only at their roadside stand but also to local flower wholesalers. Her gladiolas were beautiful and were always swarming with tons of bumble bees and humming birds. Maybe that’s why I’m in the flower delivery business, who knows.


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